Hello, and welcome to the Eldiw region! This is entry number 38 in my Text Play of Pokémon Xenoverse!
Now, as is tradition, I will be warning you, I will be spoiling this game.
As such, I highly recommend playing this game for yourself before you read these Text Play entries. You can do so here. Now with that out of the way, on with the show!
Last time, we started exploring Samuel Oak Airport. We were finally able to enter the building after defeating Wallace Daddy at the Hypelion Gym to get the Beat Badge, our sixth badge. Two more to go, baby.
Yeah, I was thrilled about that win, too. Now with that out of the way, let's explore the airport. After all, this game wouldn't have one if we were not intended to use it, right? Let's start on the staircase on the right side from the entrance.
Yes, this one I marked with the big yellow arrow. From there, we meet this guy who says that Wallace Daddy is the talk of his hometown.
I wonder where he is from. Anyway, you see that door with the red Pokéball sign and matching doormat? Well, it turns out that is the door of the Airport's Pokémon Center.
Wait...in the last entry, after battling that trainer named Ridge here in the airport in the last entry, he worried he'd miss his flight because he'd have to take his Pokémon to a Pokémon Center. I didn't think that was a big deal as Hypelion's was not too far away from the airport. It turns out this place has one of its own! He didn't have to worry at all!
Although to be fair, I wasn't aware this airport has its own Center as well. The hoodie girl on the left is looking through some magazines. Makes sense, airports have lots of places that sell newspapers and magazines. The old lady on the right all dressed up like a martial arts master just laments that her age, even sitting is hard. So, yeah. That's everything here. Let's move on. Next to the Pokemon Center is another door, this one with a blue sign and doormat.
This door leads to a Poke Mart.
Personally, I think this place and the Center should be in the same place. I felt that was much more convenient. I've grown to really prefer the Center and Mart as the same place. Heal your Pokemon and stock up on supplies at the same place. Once we leave the Mart, we can go down the nearby stairs or go down the hall on the right. I'll go down the stairs first. Once we go down the stairs, we end up battling this...Pinkie Pie cosplayer?
...Huh? Yeah, I get he's supposed to be cosplaying as a Weedle. The pink hair and clown nose threw me off. Gimme a break.
Poke Maniac Flint
1st Pokémon: Galvantula (Lv. 41) - Given Leech Seed by Phantump, defeated by Palossand.
2nd Pokémon: Sosqwatch (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Trishout.
If we go to the left, we find this green door with, naturally, a matching doormat.
See that guy in the screenshot? Evidently someone stole his luggage.
I mean, what kind of person does that?! The depravity of humanity never ceases to amaze and surprise me. Anyway, let's go inside the green-signed room, shall we?
Hey, it's another PokéMart! This one specializes in Technical Machines. I don't see why the other store doesn't just sell those, too. Yes, RPG logic, but still. Sell them in the other store and put a restaurant here. Whatever, let's move on. All the way at the end, there's this Chef standing here.
What's he doing there, staring at the poster of Alola? I mean, it is a nice poster. I do like it. I've played Sun/Moon, so in a way, I've been to Alola. It's a rather lovely place. Anyway, if you talk to him, he has a...question for you.
Now, here's the thing. I am not against the idea of fangames tackling issues that "official" Pokémon games do not. I am not against the idea of a Pokémon fan work tackling an issue like racism. After all, artists are inspired by issues in the real world, and racism is sadly still a big one. However, this comes...right out of nowhere. This is just so...bizarre!
If you disagree with him, he'll grumble there's nothing special about it. If you do agree with him, he'll give you a Fresh Water to "wash the bad taste away". 😒 Forget that! I like the fried shrimp at Chinese buffets, there's better ways to get Fresh Water anyway!
With that unpleasantness behind us, let's head back to the main hall, and check out the other side of the airport.
Yeah, we have to go up these stairs here. These stairs take us to the baggage claim area.
Don't bother looking in that trash can in the screenshot, there's nothing in it but trash. Walking through the baggage area, I can't help but wonder if in the Pokémon world, people mysteriously lose their luggage in flight as well.
And it turns out, they do! Yup, the Airport Gods exist here, and they can be just as prickly as the real world. By the way, see that garbage bin in the screenshot? Yeah, don't bother. There's no items in that, either. I learned an interesting piece of gossip in this area, as well.
The Cluster Jungle, huh? I'll have to check that place out. I love Bulbasaurs, so having one on my team would be handy. I'd feel like a teenager again.
If we go downwards, we end up in the main check-in area, and a kid there wants to battle us to kill some time.
Let's do this.
(School Kid) Charlie
1st Pokémon: Roselia (Lv. 40) - Defeated by Trishout.
2nd Pokémon: Spiritomb (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Xatu after Spiritomb halved its HP thanks to Curse.
That was fun, and the kid got to kill a little time, so that's nice.
We got this airport all nice and explored, so let's get out of here.
The exit is located right near the check-in area. Right near the exit is this Korean speaker.
He's basically asking where the exit is. I'm going by Google Translate on this. It's...right there, bro. It's right near you. Do you not see it?
Although to be fair, English is not his first language. Anyway, we head outside...
...right to the tarmac. Where the planes are.
Who designed this airport, Cocaine Ursaring?! This airport is begging for a lawsuit! Well, as long as we're here, let's take a look around. If we go to the left, we find this lady hanging out and a nearby box.
The young woman is bored. She hates waiting for presumably her flight. So, she challenges us to a battle to hopefully kill some time.
(Hip Hop) Zoey
1st Pokémon: Brionne (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Phantump with one Horn Leech.
2nd Pokémon: Bremand (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Palossand with Bulldoze.
Zoey isn't disappointed with losing. She wanted to kill a little time, and win or lose, she got to do. After all, she had been waiting for a whole five minutes. Anyway, remember that item box nearby? It contained a Max Repel. If we go downwards, we find a runway and a little luggage truck.
I don't know why, but I find that luggage truck adorable. I want a little toy car or a LEGO set like that. We can battle the trainer right here. He wanted to take some pictures of the jungle nearby (I'm guessing that's the Cluster Jungle that one girl in the airport mentioned), but would rather broadcast his Pokémon battles on Instagram.
(Influencer) Berny
1st Pokémon: Gachigachoo (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Trishout.
2nd Pokémon: Hawlucha (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Xatu.
The battle didn't go the way he hoped, but he at least got some decent pictures. Now what filter to use on them...
Yeah, whatever. We head out to the right and find this DJ.
Wait, the Game Boy games exist here? Is that some kind of...Poke-ception?!
(mind blown)
(DeeJay) Sheeran.
1st Pokemon: Charmander (Lv. 45) - Defeated by Pelipper.
If we go up, we meet another trainer, who is also eager for a battle. She's feeling a bit anxious, and maybe a battle can calm her nerves.
(Hippie) August
1st Pokémon: Chatot (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Harrowk.
2nd Pokémon: Lopunny (Lv. 42) - Defeated by Phantump with Leech Seed.
Thankfully, the loss didn't worsen her anxiety. It actually helped calm her nerves. Well, that's a positive.
If we keep going up, we meet this backpacker.
We don't battle him. He is right about the planes, though. It's kind of cool how they can transport you to different places so much quicker than other forms of transport.
And that's where we'll have to stop for the month. Join me next time when we explore the Cluster Jungle next to the airport! Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! See you next time!