Sunday, March 17, 2019

Movie Review: Captain Marvel (2019)

The Mighty Marvel Cinematic Universe marches on, true believers! Their 21st offering has arrived: Captain Marvel! That's right, Carol Danvers has made her mark! Did her cinematic debut fly high, or did it crash and burn? Let's find out as we take a look at the MCU's first female-led film: Captain Marvel!

Carol Danvers is an amnesiac member of a Kree strike team known as the Starforce. They're some of the Kree's most elite soldiers, fighting on the front lines against the menace of the shapeshifting aliens known as the Skrulls. However, a routing mission turns into an ambush, which causes Carol to discover that not everything is as it seems.

Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the film is a science fiction adventure mixed with human drama. Carol's journey to discover her past and the true nature of the war she has spent years fighting is rather well-done, with a nice human touch. The interplay between Brie Larson's Carol Danvers and Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury was so much fun to watch. The scene where she learned the truth about the Kree-Skrull War was a powerful one.

The big thing I really liked about the film was the twists regarding Jude Law's character and the nature of the Kree-Skrull War itself. I expected Law to be playing another character. Also, the de-aging tech used on Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg to have them play younger versions of Nick Fury and Phil Coulson was incredible. The CGI used looked so realistic. It was like they literally managed to find a fountain of youth. Ben Mendelson's Talos is a fun character.

There was one minor bit of CGI during the final battle I did find a bit wonky, but it was far from an experience-ruiner for me. Also, I did feel Fury and Monica kind of accepted Carol's situation rather quickly, but considering the runtime, it was not a bother. Also, Coulson didn't really do much.

The post-credits scene was utterly hilarious.

All in all, I highly recommend this movie. It's funny, action-packed, and got some wonderful human moments, all with the message that just because someone seems good, doesn't mean they are. And also, the reverse is true. It's well-paced, and the Marvel Studios intro they did with this movie is really heartwarming. Go see this movie. It's awesome!

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