Monday, December 19, 2022

Atari50: The Anniversary Celebration Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1972, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney established a little company in Sunnyvale, California. That company would be called Atari. The name came from a term used in the Chinese game Go. The term meant "to hit a target" in Japanese, and it's meant to allude to good luck. Atari would be a pioneering company when it came to video games, and in the late 70s and early 80s, was the premier video game company in America thanks to arcade games like Pong and its home console: the Atari 2600. 

The company's holdings would pass on to various owners over the years, but the name Atari and its games are still fondly remembered and beloved by fans. Its games have also appeared on various other consoles over the years, mainly in compilation collections. 2022 would see Atari celebrating its 50th anniversary. To celebrate, Atari has released a new compilation collection with some new bells and whistles. Let's look at the trailer!

Considering that the games in this collection are rather...simple, I can imagine they put these interview snippets in to spice this up.

I do like the idea of "enhanced" versions of these old games. A great way to get new young players into these games, while old players can regain the feeling of discovering these games for the first time.

I do like the interviews. I do admit, I got a bit of a thing for behind-the-scenes stuff for games, so hearing what went into making them is really cool.

90 GAMES?! 


Huh, they have some Jaguar stuff on here. I first learned of the Jaguar thanks to the Angry Video Game Nerd. I do admit, I'd love to play Tempest 2000...

Hey, six new games inspired by classic games! Now that is cool!

I admit, the Golden Age of Atari is a bit before my time. I was born just before the Nintendo Entertainment System conquered the USA, and I came of age as a gamer in the 16-bit Console Wars between the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. But still, as someone who likes history and old games, I do feel that these games should be played if only to appreciate their place in history. This looks like a fun addition to any gaming library. I will be picking this up.

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