Monday, May 22, 2023

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!

On this day, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (KStJ DL) was born. This year sees his 164th birthday. He was a British writer and a physician. While his biggest claim to fame was the creation of Sherlock Holmes, he was actually quite a prolific writer. He also had written poetry, plays, science fiction and fantasy stories with another creation of his: Professor George Edward Challenger, and even humor tales. His stories even helped raise the mystery of the Mary Celeste to public conciousness.

Doyle was also a bit of a renaissance man. He was a doctor, amateur boxer, amateur billiards player, skiier (He helped popularize skiing in Switzerland), and he even helped get two men exonerated for their crimes, by personally investigating their cases.

I first learned of his work as a kid. When I was a kid, I had these small books that collected various stories by classical authors, people like Robert Louis Stevenson. My favorite of those books was a little gray one that collected three of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes short stories: The Red-Headed League, the Adventure of the Spackled Band, and The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.

I read through that little book several times over. I know I still have it somewhere. It was one of my favorite books. Sherlock Holmes became a personal favorite character of mine. Mainly because I identified with him a bit. I saw him as an autistic superhero. I doubt that was what Doyle intended, but I saw a bit of myself in him. Thank you for that, Sir Doyle.

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