Sunday, March 31, 2024

Text Play: Pokémon Xenoverse #27

Hello, and welcome back to the Eldiw region! This is entry number 27 in my Text Play of Pokémon Xenoverse!

Now, as usual, I wish to warn you that I will be spoiling this game.

As such, I recommend you play the game for yourself first. You can download it here. And with that, let's go! 😃

Last time, we grinded (ground?) up a new team to take on Caspar and his Gym, which is also a prison. Yeah, don't ask me how the Pokémon League of this region allows it.

I spent much of last month grinding my new team to take on Caspar and his Ghost-type Pokémon. My goal was to get them between levels 40-45 as his tend to be at levels 37-40. As such, I felt ready to take on the Gym and whatever Caspar had inside waiting for me. Considering he is a Ghost-type specialist, and his gym is also a prison, I expected spookiness.

We entered the Gym...after making sure we stopped at the Pokémon Center and got lots of supplies (Potions, healing items, Revives, etc.) of course. Remember, once we enter the Gym, we can't leave without going through it and defeating Caspar.

The first cell we entered was a gigantic darkroom, presumably the cell of Rod Aruka, the photographer-turned-criminal. At the very back wall of the cell is a wall of what appears to be photographs.

There's also a female prisoner here, hanging out in the corner.

She tells us to "go straight". I wonder where we can apply this...

Anyway, hanging on the wall are also portraits of some of the prisoners. The first one is Charles Fire. Or at least the man calling himself Charles Fire.

Yeah, he looks like a friendly sort. Next is one of Rod Aruka himself.

Huh. I kind of expected him to look a bit...nerdier for lack of a better word. Third is a Pokémon.

It's a Houndoom. The fourth photo is of Isabelle Nostenfer. What a name.

She looks like she stepped out of Gun.Smoke, Sunset Riders, or Wild Guns. And finally, the fifth is of Gunther Moor, the man who ruined the life of Chempo.

Quite a rogues gallery there. Anyway, on the far right end of the wall is a rock. 

It covers a secret tunnel, likely dug by a prisoner as part of a botched escape attempt. It leads to a chamber with an Item Box inside.

The box asks you who the Houndoom we saw the picture of belongs to. You'd think it belongs to Charles Fire, right? After all, in the last entry, we saw a photo of him with a black-and-red Pokémon. Houndooms are black-and-red. And they are Dark/Fire

It's a bit of trickery on the game's part. The answer is Rod Aruka. Remember, we learned in the last entry that Mr. Aruka owned a loyal Dark-type Pokemon. Houndooms are part-Dark, and they're modeled on dogs, which are often portrayed as loyal. So, yeah. Presumably that photo of that Houndoom we saw was Mr. Aruka taking a picture of his own loyal pet. Anyway, the box contains the first El Purgatrio Pass. 

Yeah, I don't know, either. Either way, you get El Purgatrio Pass 1. This will allow us to open up another cell. In particular, the cell next to the one that was turned into a giant darkroom. 

Huh. I wonder if this was connected to the other prisoners we learned of in the darkroom at first, but this seemingly made no sense. Isabelle Nostenfer was Kalosian. Gunther Moor was Alolan. And "Charles Fire" was Unovan. Until I realized something. This cell is modeled after Ecruteak Johto. Rod Aruka was from there! Maybe this was his actual cell and the other one was just a darkroom. 

Looks like Mr. Aruka had some pride in his hometown. The cell has statues of the three Legendary Dogs of Johto (Raikou, Entei, and Suicune), a replica of the Burned Tower, and even a (presumably fake) Ho-Oh feather. There is another prisoner hanging out here. 

Two steps forward, three to the left. Two steps forward, two to the left. One downwards, three to the left, straight upwards. Huh. Anyway, in the center of the room is a small computer. 

You may have noticed on the wall there are letters with what are presumably lights over them. Interacting with the computer asks up for a password. The solution is simple: Ecruteak City. The lights turn on, and we get the second El Purgatrio Pass. 

And that's where we'll stop for the month. I wasn't able to get through this Gym as far as I had hoped. Which stinks. Hopefully, we'll get through next month. Wish me luck! Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands often, wear a mask, and get your vaccine/booster! See you next time!

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