In 2016, Walt Disney Pictures released a film named Moana, the 56th film in the Disney Animated Canon. Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker from a screenplay by Jared Bush, it told the tale of the titular character: Moana of Motonui, voiced by Hawaiian actress Auli'i Cravalho in her film debut. In the film, Moana must search for the demigod Maui (voiced by Dwayne Johnson) and reunite a magical artifact with the goddess Te Fiti. Much of the main voice cast, in a first for a Disney animated production, was of Polynesian heritage, and it was Musker and Clements' first fully computer-animated film.
The film would gross $687.2 million on a $150-175 million budget. It would also get much critical acclaim. From there, it would make sense that a sequel would be in the works. Originally, it was intended for Moana to be followed up with a limited series for Disney+. However, in February 2024, it would be reworked into a film with much of the original cast returning. This sequel of this David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, making their directorial debuts, from a screenplay by Miller and a returning Jared Bush. Let's look at the trailer!
This was not what Moana meant when she said she wanted to get more cardio!
"Why did you listen to me?! I'm a PIG! A SMALL pig!"
Moana ended up unknowingly going viral with her conch horn rendition of "Baker Street".
Oh great, Thor fell into the multiverse again.
The ancestors must be furious. What did Maui do now?!
That guy must be new.
They may be angry little coconuts, but they are clever angry little coconuts.
Well, this movie looks rather enjoyable. Got me wanting to watch the first one on Disney+. I think I'll go do that. Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves, and each other! See you next time!
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