Saturday, March 28, 2015

Terminator Genisys Trailer, My Thoughts

The Terminator. Another in a long list of films that has become a franchise, putting out products of varying quality, like films, comics, video games, even a TV show. It was all centered around one idea: one day, the activation of a computer system called Skynet would bring about an apocalypse, the remnants of mankind fighting to survive against Skynet's army of robots.

The original Terminator film would become a classic, and it's sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, or T2 for short, would become one of the greatest films in the sci-fi genre, and even one of the greatest sequels ever.

I'm not a hard-core fan of the Terminator franchise. I didn't gobble up every bit of Terminator merchandise I saw, nor have I seen all the movies, just T2 and Salvation. I thought Salvation was alright, and I LOVE T2. It is one awesome flick.

And now we have a FIFTH Terminator film coming: Terminator Genisys.

First, I have to say something about the film: The title. Terminator: Genisys. be honest, it sounds like the name of a character that would've appeared in a 1990s comic book created by Rob Liefeld, ha ha. Funny enough, there is a character in the Marvel Universe called Genesis, but that's another story.

Based on this trailer alone, it seems that this film will draw heavily from Terminator 2, with a T-1000, and Arnold Schwarzenegger as a T-850 protector. In one bit of the trailer, it's shown that Arnold's Terminator has white hair. When I first saw that, I thought he looked like Albert Wesker's grandpa, and it made me chuckle.

"No, I will not say it! I am NOT ARNOLD!"
Based on this trailer, I just might go and give this watch in the theater. Mainly because it seems to be full of callbacks to T2, and we may see old!Terminator Arnold vs. young!Terminator Arnold.

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