Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer, My Thoughts

Before we begin, I have to make a confession.

As a kid, I was always more of a fan of Star Trek than I was of Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movies. Yes, including the prequels. Maybe someday I'll give my own thoughts on them. I also admit I enjoyed playing some of the games. I've never read a Star Wars novel. But I have read several Star Trek novels.

For some reason, the Star Wars universe never captured my imagination like the Star Trek world did. I never could explain or understand why. Despite this, I found myself being very interested in a new trailer that just dropped.

I have to admit, I do want to see this movie. This trailer was a blast to watch. This film felt like Star Wars...on steroids.

My favorite bits of the trailer were seeing the battles between the X-Wings and the TIE fighters (loving the look of those ships, by the way). I imagine this must've been what George Lucas saw in his mind's eye when he was creating this universe all the way back in the 1970s. It's amazing.

It was also neat seeing Han, Leia, and Chewbacca back. Never thought I'd see them in a new Star Wars movie. Although I can't help but wonder where Luke is. I have heard various theories, but I guess we'll know for sure when the movie finally hits this Christmas.

Based on what this trailer shows, the Empire is making a comeback. I'm guessing they'll be back leaner and meaner than ever, which may lead to some epic dogfights and laser fights. The villain, whom I understand is called Kylo Ren, is going to finish what Vader started. The Jedi purge, maybe?

Based on the title of the film, the Force is making a comeback, so the Jedi will also be returning to sling some lightsabers. Maybe Ren wants to prevent a new Jedi Order from rising. Hmm...Lot to think about with this trailer.

So much awesome stuff in this trailer, the villain standing with troopers in the rain, a faceoff, dogfights, I can't wait to see this movie! This is going to be a blast! It'll likely be a little bit after Christmas, so as to get a good seat.

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