Saturday, January 2, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: My Thoughts.

Today, I got to do something rather fun. My dad and I went to our local theater and we watched the newest Star Wars flick: The Force Awakens.

I admit, I'm not a hard core Star Wars nut. I've seen the movies, but I can't begin to quote stuff from the now non-canon Expanded Universe and all that. I have got some Star Wars comics, if that helps.

Despite this, I was looking forward to this film. My Dad and I were off work today, so we went down and saw the movie. Now, I will try to be as spoiler-free as possible.

I actually had a blast watching this. It was an action-packed funfest, to put it lightly. And it was really cool to see Han and Chewbacca back from the first three films. I also liked the three new main characters. Rey was awesome, and so was Finn. I also did like Poe Dameron. I wish we got to see Finn and Poe interact some more, as they made me chuckle so much. I'd kill to see them have a spin-off action-comedy buddy film.

The new villain, Kylo Ren, was...alright. He was no Vader, but maybe that was the point. I have no real complaints about him.

As for critiques, well, I don't have many, and I consider them minor. Mainly, I did wish we got to see Finn and Poe interact more, but this film will have sequels, so I don't mind. I also wish we did get more exploration of Finn's defecting from the First Order, as I felt he kind of did say "Yeah, I'm outta here" a bit quickly for me. I also felt that the plot borrowed a little too much from the first Star Wars film, but I enjoyed it so much, it wasn't a problem for me.

There was a scene that annoyed my dad so much, he wrote off the entire film as terrible. He was no happy about it.

But for me, The Force Awakens was a fantastic film that brought new life to the Star Wars franchise. It was fun, energetic, and has something for everyone. Go see it as soon as you can!  

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