Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wild Guns is Back!

One of my favorite games for the Super Nintendo is Wild Guns. It was one of my favorite games to play on the Wii thanks to the Virtual Console. I think it is definitely one of the best games on the SNES, and one of its most underrated, too. I had written a review of it for the now late website 1MoreCastle's "Review A Great Game Day" in 2015, which can be read here.

Hence, my surprise when Natsume, the makers of the original Wild Guns, announced this.

Yup, Annie and Clint are back! They're rested, reloaded, and back in action! Natsume is creating a brand new Wild Guns game after over twenty years! Natsume has revealed some things about the new game to people asking about it on Twitter.

When asked if it was a reboot or a remake, it was said "A bit of both". I'm guessing they're going to do like with the DuckTales remastering: They're going to remake the game, but with a deeper storyline and some new stuff added. I have to pick up that DuckTales remastering sometime. I loved the demo, brought back a lot of memories playing it on Game Boy when I was a kid.

According to an article I found on Nothing But Geek, the game will add two new characters, and have eight levels with three zones each. I like this. One of my only complaints about the original was it had only six levels. Glad this new one is getting more levels. I am curious to see who these two new characters will be, and how they will play.

One thing Natsume did reveal on Twitter is that some of the people who worked on the original Wild Guns will be working on this game. That's actually really cool. I hope we get to see some great remixes of the original soundtrack, as the music was one of the best parts of the original.

Unfortunately, there is one downside to this announcement: This game will be PS4 exclusive. That's right. You can only play this game if you have a PS4. That made me a little sad, as I do not own a PS4. I do not even own a PS3. I just got a Wii U last Christmas, and it's a shame I can't play this game on it. Ah well, I can just get the original the Wii U on the Virtual Console service and play that. That game is still a lot of fun. Hopefully, Natsume will be able to release it on other consoles. It would only be appropriate to play this Wild Guns on a Nintendo console.

Despite the exclusivity problem, I am happy to see Wild Guns make a comeback. The original was one of the most underrated games of the 16-bit era, and I'm hoping this one will make it into a viable franchise.

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