Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dark Phoenix Trailer, My Thoughts

The Fox X-Men movie franchise is moving on! This new film is out to bring one of the X-Men's greatest stories into film: The Dark Phoenix Saga. Honestly, I've been rather meh on the X-Men movies. I watched and liked the first one, thought X-Men Origins: Wolverine was...okay, and that's really it. With the merger with Disney coming, I'm kind of hoping that we'll see some new X-Men films that are closer in spirit to the comics. So, let's take a look at Fox's attempt to bring the fall of Jean Grey to live-action film's trailer.

Yeah, so far it's alright. Jean has need help from Xavier to deal with her nascent powers in the comics.

So, I'm guessing here, Jean accidentally killed her parents.

And there's Jennifer Lawrence, who is one of the biggest names here, so she gets the focus.

I'm guessing Jessica Chastain will be playing Lilandra Neramani. I guess they're going with a version based on the Ultimate Marvel version of the character. In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, Lilandra was a human who claimed to be part of a Scientology-esque religion worshipping an entity called the Phoenix.

Hey, Mystique is blue again. I bet that will be brief.

Is Magneto turning evil again? If I were him, I would just be like, "You know what, I'm not doing this again. I'm just going to go over there and get drunk. REALLY drunk. 'Lose-my-pants-and-wake-up-in-Timbuktu' drunk. Just to warn you all, I am a crier when I am drunk."

Why is Storm holding an umbrella in the rain? YOU CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER. YOU CAN MAKE IT NOT RAIN ON PEOPLE.

Honestly, this trailer has me feeling rather...meh. It doesn't help that this whole Dark Phoenix thing is clearly a do-over of The Last Stand. It doesn't look terrible, but it does not get me really that excited, either. I'll borrow it when it comes to the library.

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