Monday, June 3, 2019

Ford v. Ferrari Trailer, My Thoughts

The 1966 Le Mans race became rather infamous because of one thing: the rivalry between American motor company Ford and Italian automaker Ferrari. The rivalry started when Ford attempted to buy Ferrari, but Enzo Ferrari put an end to the buyout attempt at the last minute. This infuriated Ford's then-CEO, Henry Ford II. He vowed to get even with the Italian, but how would he do that? Crank calls? A prank war? Nope. Ford wanted to hit Ferrari where it would hurt. And he would do it at the Le Mans race.

In the 1960s, Ferrari dominated the Le Mans. They had won the 24-hour endurance race for five years straight at that point. Henry Ford II was determined to create a Ford car that could not only handle Le Mans, but break Ferrari's dominance. A team of engineers and designers (including the legendary Carroll Shelby) would end up creating the Ford GT40, the car the managed to slay the dragon that was Ferrari's Le Mans winning streak.

In 2009, A.J. Baime wrote a book about the rivalry called Go Like Hell. The title came from the phrase Australian driver Bruce McLaren yelled to fellow Australian driver Chris Amon as they raced to victory. In 2016, Adam Carolla and Nate Adams co-produced and co-directed a highly-rated documentary about the rivalry called "The 24 Hour War". And now, Hollywood is going to take the Ford/Ferrari rivalry to the big screen.

Originally, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were attached to this film, with a screenplay by Jason Keller, but that fell apart. But the Butterworth brothers (Jez and John-Henry Butterworth...mmm, pancakes...) wrote a new script, and with it a new cast including Matt Damon as Carroll Shelby, Christian Bale as driver Ken Miles, and Jon Bernthal as Lee Iacocca. And with director James Mangold is the director's chair, we're off to the races! Let's take a look at the trailer for Ford v. Ferrari!

Was this how fathers and sons bonded in the 1960s? Dads took their boys to the airport and they sat on the runway together?


Lee Iacocca was vice president of Ford in 1966. He's most known for reviving Chrysler in the 1980s.

You can build the fastest car in the world, but you need a person with nerves of steel to drive it. Enter Ken Miles. He died in an accident while testing the GT40's successor car: The J-car.

Nice hat, Shelby.

Heh heh, sudden broken nose.


This reminds me of the time I went to see a race at the Poconos. That was fun. Great food.

I'm going to love the soundtrack of this movie.

"Go to war, son! No, not that kind of war, take that Army helmet off!"

Ooh, that crash looked like it would hurt.


Guys, I'd worry if Miles started running around in his underwear screaming he was on fire.


Ha ha ha, that guy needs some clean underwear and some therapy.

Well, this movie sounds like it will be really neat. I would love to take my dad to see it, as he's a car guy. It's got a good cast that looks like they're having fun with this. I was fascinated by the synopsis for this film. I'm not the car guy my dad is, but this rivalry fascinates me. I can't wait to see this movie.

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