Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Text Play: Pokémon Zeta #16

Hello, and welcome back to the Vesryn Region! It's time for my sixteenth entry (and the final entry of 2020) in my Text Play of Pokémon Zeta!

As usual, I will warn you, I am going to be spoiling everything about this game. 

If you want to download the game for yourself, you can do so right here. And with that, let's get going!

Last time, we prepared to face Avery in Treader Town. And it involved a lot of grinding. Lots of grinding. Lots and lots of grinding. Lots and lots and lots of grinding. Grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding...

Yeah, sorry. Basically, we had to do a lot of preparation. I've had to do a ton of thinking regarding what Pokemon I wanted to bring to face off against Avery. Magmortar from my regular team was obvious thanks to the type advantage. Fire beats Bug after all. Pidgeotto was also another choice thanks to its own type advantage. Flying beats Bug. I also wanted to add my Dwebble. It's a Bug/Rock-type, so Bug-type attacks won't be super-effective against it. It also knows a couple Rock-type attacks, so it can lay down the hurt. Rock beats Bug, too.

I have also been considering adding Venonat and the male Nidoran to the team. Venonat is Bug/Poison-type. Nidoran is also a Poison-type, and it knows Peck. Peck is a Flying-type attack, which is effective against Bug-type Pokémon. I decided against it, as I'm having a tough enough time grinding up the Pokémon I already chose to fight Avery. I don't need the extra hassle.

Another thing that concerns me is Avery himself. You see, he's known to hit opponents with status changes. Basically, putting Pokémon to sleep, paralyzing them, that kind of thing. That's going to be a problem because my style of battle is basically just charge through. Use type advantages and hit them hard and fast. I've been trying to be a bit more...subtle with my strategies, but it...hasn't been easy.

It's been a lot of hard work, but now that I have a team ready, let's hit Avery's Gym.

Naturally, befitting a Gym that specializes in Bug-type Pokemon, it looks like a forest.

There's some Trainers here to battle if you want some last-minute extra XP, but there's also another feature here: Puzzles!

To solve these puzzles, just put the tiles together until they form a picture. In the case of the screenshot above, the picture is an Omanyte. All hail Lord Helix, ha ha! 

...You know, I think I've seen these puzzles before. I could have sworn that I encountered these during my Text Play of Pokemon Mega Adventure. Did Mega Adventure get these from Zeta/Omicron? I think the puzzles there came from this game. I did some checking, and it turns out that yes, I did encounter puzzles like these in Mega Adventure. In entry #19

In fact, Mega Adventure used the EXACT SAME PUZZLES as here. This isn't just two fangames using the same mechanic, the makers of Mega Adventure used THE EXACT SAME PUZZLES as Zeta/Omicron! They didn't even bother to create new pictures!

Seriously?! I knew that game had some issues, but they literally just stole puzzles from one fangame to use there! I mean, it's fine if both games used the mechanic. It's just the makers of Mega Adventures could have made their own unique puzzles.

And speaking of the puzzles, I do have to admit one thing. The choice of pictures is odd. Omanyte, Kabuto, Mew, Ho-Oh, Aerodactyl...none of these are Bug-type Pokemon. I like the puzzle idea, but you'd think that this gym would have puzzles that formed pictures of Bug-type Pokemon, as this gym is a Bug-themed one, after all. Maybe Avery wanted to troll people? I have no idea.

Well, I wasn't able to actually get through the gym in time to put up this entry this month. Sorry about that. Hopefully, I'll be able to start 2021 with defeating this Gym because I really want to defeat this Gym and move on. Wish me luck! 

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, wash your hands often, and wear a mask! See you next time!

Pokemon Obtained:
(Route 314)
- Crustle (evolved from Dwebble)

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