Saturday, November 16, 2024

Wolfpack #11 (June 1989)

It's that time again! It's time to rejoin the Wolfpack in their greatest battle against the evil Nine. Last time, the group suffered a horrible tragedy and ended up having to bury one of their own. So, where do we go from here? Let's find out in Wolfpack #11!

The cover is a Ron Wilson and Chris Ivy piece. It's pretty cool. It depicts the Wolfpack being attacked by a group we'll meet in the comic. One of the members of this group is front and center, implying that we'll have to keep an eye on him.

"Nine Ways to Die"
Writer: John Figueroa
Penciler: Ron Wilson
Inker: Chris Ivy
Colorist: Max Scheele
Letterer: Jack Morelli
Editor: Terry Kavanagh
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

The story begins...with a geography fail.

This hotel is admittedly quite remote, but it has great views and amenities.

Yeah, this is supposed to be a place called Pagoda Ridge, in China. Thing is, there is a Pagoda Ridge, but it's not in China. It's in Antartica. Whoops. I don't know what Wilson was thinking here. There are plenty of actual mountains in China they could have used. Yeah, it's the geography nerd in me. Anyway, this building is the central HQ of the Nine, the evil organization that the Pack have supposedly been fighting this whole time. They're discussing our heroes, showing that they've managed to cause a lot of problems for this group in New York. Not bad for a bunch of teenagers that have presumably never stepped foot outside of New York City before now. 

The Nine are getting really fed up with the Pack and their antics, so they're bringing in the big guns.

When it comes to their assassins, the Nine always emphasize leg day.

This bunch are the Nine's top team of assassins. When they want someone dead, and I mean really dead, the Nine bring in this bunch. I do like that the assassins' uniforms all have some individual touches to them. The shoulders and color scheme all help show they are a unified group, but they all are unique in their own way. And many of them are quite proud of their legs. If I had legs like them, I'd show them off, too. 

But this isn't these guys' book, it's the Wolfpack's. Let's look in on them, shall we?

"Slippery Sam also knew the best sandwich places in town."

A month has passed since Slippery Sam was killed, and naturally, the Pack are still dealing with it. The Nine seem to be dormant from their perspective. Slag has been wanting to bring young Malcolm Brown (remember him from issue #6?) into the Pack. As such, they've been helping train the boy, despite Wheels's reluctance. After all, the boy still has his obligations to school, and well, Sharon and her father trying to be his legal guardians. It's understandable why Wheels would want Malcolm to just be a kid right now. 

But enough of that. Let's go play some basketball!

However, the game is ruined before it barely begins.

The NBA realized real quick that exploding basketballs was a BAD IDEA.

Somebody really does not like basketball. But seriously, a sniper starts shooting at the Pack from a nearby roof, Luckily, Wheels's super-wheelchair has a new gadget for just the situation: smoke bomb launchers. Smoke covers the court, allowing the members of the Pack to scatter and escape. 

Slag encounters three of the Nine's assassins. And he wonders if he is in Heaven.

"Hello, ladies..."

The redhead prepares to put a bullet in between Slag's eyes, but one of her comrades (the pigtailed woman) gets a bullet to the chest, making the other two scatter. Elsewhere, Sharon and Wheels are also ambushed by three more of the Nine's assassins, but two of them also end up eating bullets to the chest. At a subway station on 149th street, Rafael and Malcolm are also being pursued. Rafael tells Malcolm to run, and not stop for anyone. He'll try and stall them.

"Before you ask, no. We are not a glam rock band. Why do people ask us that?!"

The blond guy, Terrence, is the leader. He wants to see how well Rafael can fight. Our man Mr. Vega obliges him.

Rafael shows he can take Terrence on in a martial-arts scuffle. The trio of Nine assassins remember they have guns, so they whip 'em out and prepare to give Rafael some bullets. However, some shots send them scurrying away. That night, on Rafael's rooftop, the group discuss recent events. They realize the Nine are sending some serious big guns against them. They're going to have to play hardball. Wheels wonders who kept saving them. Slag notes that since the assassins are willing to slap iron (as they would say in the Wild West), they should so the same. Sharon agrees with this, wanting to thank their mysterious savior. And he's all too willing to accept the gratitude. 

"🎵 I'm back! And better than ever!🎵"

Yup, it's our old friend Mr. John Haux, aka the Missionary. How is his name pronounced? I keep thinking its pronounced like "Hawks". Remember him from issue #8? Well, it turns out the man was far from dead. Turns out he ended up landing on a balcony. He considered that event the death of the Missionary, and the rebirth of John Haux. He went to rehab, where he met a janitor named Joshua. 

In one of those coincidences you only find in fiction, Joshua knew the late Mr. Mack, the Pack's old mentor. He explained to Haux about the whole situation with the Nine and the Ten. It can be implied that in his time in rehab, Haux was able to successfully kick his drug habit, so kudos to him for that.

During those months, he also started helping young addicts. This allowed Haux to find his humanity once more. As for why he's back in the picture, well, he heard from Joshua about the Nine declaring full-on war on the Wolfpack, and he wants to help them out. Understandably, the Pack are disbelieving. Remember, he shot and nearly crippled Sharon. Thing is, the kids really do not have much of a choice. The attacks by the assassins show that the Nine is taking them dead serious. They need his help, and them liking him or not is irrelevant. They got a new sensei now.

Over at the 666 Building (kind of obvious, ain't it), Terrence is talking to the Nine's head, and he wants to see Melvin Crenshaw. Crenshaw has apparently shaved his mustache and lost some hair since his last appearance. The head of the Nine berates Crenshaw for failing them. Somehow, the Nine's head is aware that the Missionary is alive, despite Crenshaw claiming he was dead. To be fair to Crenshaw, it was not an unreasonable assumption. The man jumped out of a window in a high building. This may be the Marvel Universe, but people are still not immune to dying from jumping/falling off of high buildings. 

Despite this, the Nine's head announces that they no longer need his legal services. And Terrence is charged with giving him the pink smashing Crenshaw's head into the communications screen.

I'm guessing Slag's mother is out of a job now. He hired her in issue #3. We never saw anything of it. Hauk is able to provide a new training facility and home for the Pack in New Jersey, thanks to the money he made from his days as a hitman. He pushes them physically and mentally. One month later, Hauk provides a nice celebratory dinner for the Pack. They have grown very much and become much stronger in body and mind. The feel the Nine's end coming. They're feeling pretty good about themselves. Thing is, the Nine hasn't existed as long as they have without trying to take out their enemies all stealth-like.

"Aw come on! One taco night! Just one! That's all I ask!"

He orders the Wolfpack to retreat, as they have no weapons, but despite that, they managed to catch a ninja. Haux is delighted. 

We next look in on the China Club, in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

"I'm glum because the beer here is swill, Karen."

Remember Terrence from earlier? Well, he's feeling a bit glum. One of the other assassins, an Asian woman named Erica, wonders why he's so down. After all, things are looking up for the Nine. Drug business is up, and the Wolfpack has seemingly vanished. Terrence believes that the Pack are just licking their wounds and preparing to strike back. Makes sense. If it weren't for the Missionary giving then sniper back-up, the assassins would have likely been able to take the Pack out. The assassins need to get ready for their possible return.

Back to Jersey! The Pack interrogate the ninja, who reveals he was sent as a warning: The Nine will destroy them all. But Haux tells the ninja the Nine don't have to look for them. The Pack will be the hunters. And they'll have the Nine's heads. And the ninja will be staying in the basement for the time being.

Later that night, Rafael comes to visit Sharon. The two talk briefly, and then they share a kiss, their second since issue #7. This one is meant to be more serious, showing their forming romance. I don't think it was explored much earlier, though. The next day, the group are ready to move out.

Remington's new ad campaign is WEEEEIRD...

The Nine wanted a war? Well, the Wolfpack will be all too happy to give them one.

I liked this issue more than the last one, but I still think it was a weaker one. I was surprised by seeing Missionary's return, as well as his taking over the role of mentor. Seems a bit late, though. I do appreciate that the comic did explain what happened to him. His last appearance hinted that he was struggling with his conscience that led him to this point, so I would have liked some more exploration of that. I would also have liked to see some more exploration of the Wolfpack's feelings regarding Sam's death. Maybe we could have learned more about him, especially since we didn't learn much about him while he was alive. A shame, really. I would have loved to have seen him be involved in the upcoming final battle. 

I find the art rough, but I think it does work. This is supposed to be a gritty series, and I think it bizarrely works. 

If you want to read this for yourself, I recommend tracking down the 2018 trade paperback Wolfpack: The Complete Collection. Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves, and each other! See you next time!

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