Saturday, October 22, 2022

Justice #10 (April 2007)

It's that time again! It's time to join the Justice League in their greatest battle against the Legion of Doom! In the last issue, the League figured out the Legion...or should I say, Brainiac's ultimate plan. So, do they manage to stop it? Let's find out in Justice #10!

The cover is an Alex Ross piece, and it's awesome! This one's more of an action-oriented cover. It depicts Green Arrow about to fire an arrow when he and Black Canary see Clayface coming towards them. The cover gives an impression that our heroes are in some real danger.

"Chapter Ten"
Writer: Jim Krueger
Penciler: Doug Braithwaite
Inker: Alex Ross
Colorist: Alex Ross
Letterer: Todd Klein
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Executive Editor: Dan Didio

The story begins unusually. We focus on an Indian girl named Somita writing to her parents. She's one of the people who decided to live in the artificial cities. She is writing this letter because she can now do so, thanks to having new hands. She believes that her new life is a miracle. She ends her letter with an apology to her parents for running away. But she is truly happy. For the first time, she is happy.

At the Hall of Doom, the Legion of Doom are toasting their ultimate victory over the Justice League. 

Beforehand, Grodd discusses with Giganta about how he thinks it's too soon to celebrate. This is also a subtle way of revealing that Giganta here is based on the Silver/Bronze Age version, who was an evolved gorilla. Which fits the whole Silver Age vibe of the series. Grodd reveals that he is not only disgusted with Giganta's human disappearance, but he doesn't really get humans at their core, despite his telepathic powers. Brainiac is a machine, and Luthor's got ways to keep his mind hidden. Unknown to them, they are observed by the Atom. Brainiac shows off Arthur Jr to the Legion of Doom.

"Kid's looking better already!"

As can be seen, Arthur Jr has the same electrodes on his head that Brainiac does. He plans to make the Aquababy into the first of a new race of Coluans, free of the limitations of organics. One of the nanoworms that have been swarming everywhere in the building catches the Atom spying. Grodd also picks up the diminutive hero's thoughts. And he's not a happy gorilla. Then the League busts in.


The narration for the battle is provided by Green Arrow. As the battle rages, he narrates about how for this to work, his beloved Dinah may have to see him die. It's revealed that he and Dinah are presumably in the depths of the Hall of Doom, sneaking their way inside. Zatanna brings in the Doom Patrol to help deal with the mind-controlled Titans, Marvel Family, and Batgirl. The battles rage on, and Grodd alerts Clayface to Arrow and Dinah.


Ollie tells Dinah to go ahead. He'll take care of Clayface, with help from his shadow...

 The battle rages on. members of the Legion flee to their cities, with Arthur Jr. Back with Green Arrow! He may be facing a villain that seems above his weight class, but the Emerald Archer isn't alone. He's got the Elongated Man backing him up.

The Ductile Detective engages the shapeshifting Batman villain. Clayface fights back by trying to eat his way through Ralph. Arrow runs for it, his narration showing his respect for his fellow Justice Leaguer, as well as some dialogue.

"I'll tell Plas about this! And give him the finger in your honor!"

Inside one of the cities, the Joker is preparing a bomb, going on about how he's totally not bothered by not being invited to this big old battle. And the bomb will be made with Robotman's head. Batman confronts Luthor, asking why he's doing this, being human himself. Luthor points out that history will paint him as a hero of humanity for his actions. He brags that Batman has nothing in his Batcave that can penetrate his armor. That's true, but the Atom doesn't have that problem. 

Green Arrow and Black Canary bust into another room, and find the League's loved ones...with a mind-controlled Supergirl. The Girl of Steel is ready and willing to kill the two heroes. Green Arrow shoots what appears to be a Kryptonite arrow at her, but misses and hits John Stewart. As the battle continues, Joker blows up one of the cities. And Arrow's namesake weapon has one last surprise. You see, John Stewart was the target. And it wasn't to hurt him, it was to give him something.

This is what happens when my scanner app tries to scan a panel that's not square...

Yup. The arrow's payload was actually a Green Lantern ring. And now that Stewart has it, he's going to help save the world.

I enjoyed this issue. It is basically a big old fight. There are also some nice character moments sprinkled throughout the issue. For example, the Joker. He wasn't invited into the cities, so like the spurned egomaniac he is, he finds a way to them and lashes out by wreaking havoc. Another great moment is Ralph battling Clayface. It follows along a minor thread we've been seeing here in the mini of Ralph struggling with his feelings of being second-best compared to Plastic Man. Also, the outsmarting of Supergirl by Green Arrow was nice. Just because Canary said Ollie had a Kryptonite arrow aimed at Supergirl did not make that the case.

As I've said about the art before, it's spectacular. It really makes the fights look incredibly grandiose, but also works with the more intimate moments like Somita writing home to her parents. And speaking of Somita, starting with her was a smart choice. We get a peek into the cities from the view of one of the people that the villains were seemingly helping. It also adds on to the horror of the Joker's bombings. 

If you want to read this for yourself, I recommend tracking down the 2011 trade paperback Justice. Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, wash your hands often, wear a mask, and get your vaccine/boosters! See you next time! 

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