Saturday, August 31, 2024

Text Play: Pokemon Xenoverse #32

Hello, and welcome back to the Eldiw region! This is entry number 32 in my Text Play of Pokémon Xenoverse!

Now, as is tradition, I wish to warn you, I will be spoiling this game.

As such, I highly recommend that you play through the game yourself before reading these Text Plays. You can download it here. And with that out of the way, let's go!

Last time, we got to witness a concert from one of the region's most prominent artists, Wallace Daddy. Well, sort of. It turns out that an X Pokémon caused a bit of sabotage that ruined the concert. The day before, it slipped some bad berries into a celebratory buffet that caused a LOT of puking at the concert.

As a result, we ended up teaming up with the GEIST gang, our old friends from Westar City (we last met them in entry #24) to deal with this Pokémon, which resulted in two problems. One, the Pokémon didn't turn out to be a Ghost-type, which rendered GEIST's equipment useless, and's a Slurpuff the size of a kaiju. Yeah, a big angry Xenoverse Slurpuff. And it likely killed them. That sucks, I really liked those guys. Well, it's naturally up to us to deal with this monster.  

X Slurpuff (Lv. 46) - Defeated by Palossand

Palossand was a real MVP here. Its Bulldoze attack really did plenty of damage. Phantump also helped, as it started the battle with giving the X Slurpuff a dose of Leech Seed. And X Slurpuff's Drain Punch has no effect on Phantump. Doesn't affect Palossand, either. Don't bother wasting your Xeno Balls, you can't catch this thing. 

Once defeated, the giant X Slurpuff shrinks down to a smaller size, and you get a nice achievement for it (The bigger they are...). The fanboy theorizes that it was able to get so big thanks to absorbing energy from his sweets. I have no idea. Maybe it's this thing's equivalent of Leech Seed?

 Wallace wants to beat the little pocket monster into next week, but the X Slurpuff starts acting sad, sniffling and crying. It turns out it came to this burg because, likes music. It likes to dance and groove to the beat. 

The little Pokémon uses Clear Smog as a way to make amends for causing the illnesses of everyone at the concert with its sweets. Turns out the X Slurpuff isn't really a bad guy, he just wanted to help cater the party. He wasn't aware his treats were poisonous to humans. I can imagine they weren't to people in the Xenoverse, so I can imagine the little guy's confusion.

Wallace then remembers that during his time in Alola, a Malasada shop owner told him a person who can cook could not be a bad guy. And the shop had a Slurpuff on its sign. He sees it as a bit of cosmic kismet. He asks the Slurpuff if it will join its team. Slurpuff agrees. Looks like all's well that ends well, I guess.

With that weirdness out of the way, we can challenge Wallace for our sixth badge if we want to. ANd we will do that. Can't go forward without doing so. But for now, I want to explore Hypelion City some more. After taking my Pokémon to the Pokémon Center to get healed up, I noticed a pair of garbage cans outside the building.

The one on the left contains some Lemonade. Why on Earth would anyone throw away lemonade? I mean, it likely was perfectly good lemonade. I wouldn't be surprised if someone drank half the bottle and threw it away because they felt they didn't need the rest.

It's a little pet peeve of mine. If you buy a bottle of a drink, drink all of it. You don't have to right away, but just finish the drink. 

Ignoring that unpleasantness, let's head to the right. I had noticed that many of the houses here have graffiti on them, including murals of Pokémon. I guess it makes sense, considering this town was founded by a hip-hop artist. Anyway, at the end of the street, we meet a pair of breakdancers.

The garbage bin behind them contains...garbage. Yeah, just garbage. Seriously, that's deceptive. You give the impression items can be found in trash bins, don't pull this. I understand it's more realistic, but then don't have it so you can find items in garbage bins. Let's go into the house in the screenshot. 

Yeah, this place needs a cleaning. There's paint splotches everywhere. The old bald guy likes to brag about his waxed scalp. I'm not kidding. The young woman is doing the dishes, intent on making them shinier than the man's head. Heh. Let's go upstairs!

This is a nice little room, despite the graffiti and paint splotches everywhere. I'd have painted the walls a nice dark green myself. I think it's a relaxing color. The young lady remarks that Wallace Daddy has a gold addiction. Yeah, his teeth showed that. She gives us a Yellow Flute. It's an item that plays a melody that snaps a Pokémon out of confusion. Considering it has a counter in the Battle Items section of our backpack, it can be assumed this is a one-time use item. When we leave the house and go upwards, we find another garbage bin. 

This one contains TM05: Roar. Why would someone throw this out? Is it defective? If we keep going to the left, we'll end up near an RV. That's cool, you don't see those often in official Pokémon games. At least, not to my knowledge. I think I may have encountered one in Sun/Moon...

Looks like the RV has adopted the aesthetic of the rest of the city. The guy on the left will give you a Luxury Ball. Next to the RV is a house with a blue roof.

I'm wondering if the paint splotches are a deliberate aesthetic choice at this point. The couple here is having a few relationship issues. Evidently, the guy's obsessed with Wallace Daddy, and it's led him to neglect the lady. 

Yeah. Fanboys. They can be nuts. Let's go upstairs, shall we?

One bedroom for three people. I can imagine this would lead to some...awkward situations.

The boy inside asks if you want to see his vinyl collection. Hey, vinyl collection! That sounds neat! He rattles off some vinyl album names, presumably Wallace Daddy's works, considering his significance to this city. Rags to Riches, Red Sun, All Lightz on Me, Top Dawg, Savage, King of the Jungle...all he needs is Native, which evidently is a very rare record. I personally think Red Sun is underrated. For letting him show off his records, he gives us TM24: Thunderbolt. Would be handy for Harrowk if it can't learn it on its own...

Let's go upwards, shall we? We end up in front of Wallace Daddy's clothing store. Notice the Mega Lopunny stand in front? You're supposed to stand behind it, make a screenshot, and post it to social media. Like this.

Neat, huh? Let's go inside the store.

Yup, looks like a high-fashion boutique where everything costs an arm and a leg. Got a nice variety of items here. Shoes, sunglasses, hats, shirts, vests...

(get on with it)

Sorry. You can't really buy anything here, unfortunately. Al though that may be for the best as I remember hearing clothing items here were quite expensive. There's this nice-looking lady standing in front of a shelf filled with racks of shoes and sunglasses.

She'll ask you if these glasses she's picking out suit her, and an honest opinion would be nice. If you choose "Ahem, actually...", she'll take it in stride. She admits that she's not sure they suit her either, so she gives them to us. Turns out, these sunglasses are actually Choice Specs. Give these to a Pokemon, and it will boost said Pokemon's Special Attack stat. Downside of it is that it will only be able to use one move. If we go all the way to the left, there's a stairwell leading upwards. This leads to some changing rooms, with people standing in front of them.

The man on the left is your stereotypical hipster, grumbling about a lack of vintage pieces. Buddy, you are in the wrong store for that! The woman on the left is waiting for her sister to finish trying on clothes. If we go to the right, we find this dude, and I think maybe some windows?

He's a Move Tutor, who can teach Sound Pledge to any Pokemon that can learn it. Would be handy if you have a powerful Sound-type. Maybe I can teach it to my Trishout. 

(Batman Hmmm)

From the Hip-Top clothing store, we can go to the right, to the road between the store and the stage where Wally tried to hold that concert in the last entry. Go upwards, and to the right. Keep going past the Gym, and we'll end up here.

Hey, it's a little Walk of Fame! I wonder how you get on it. According to the lady, these stars are symbolic. They represent the hard work and hardship that Wally put in and overcame to achieve his dreams. I think this was a missed opportunity for a bit of worldbuilding. I would have had the stars put in the names of people who helped Wallace Daddy get to where he is now. It would be a nice way of showing that he hasn't forgotten those who helped him on his way. Just a thought.

As seen in the screenshot, next to the stars is a house. Let's go in, shall we? 

Please tell me this guy owns the house. Well, it turns out that this isn't a home, this is a gallery. Yeah, this is a place where you can do a bit of graffiti if you want to.

And there's where we'll stop for the month. Join me next time for when we hopefully get to take on Wallace Daddy for our fifth badge! Wish me luck! Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! See you next time!

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