Friday, February 3, 2017

Beauty and the Beast Trailer, My Thoughts

The Walt Disney company has been on a bit of a kick with the live-action remakes of their animated classics. Cinderella, The Jungle Book, Pete's Dragon, and I've been hearing one for Mulan is in the works. As such, it doesn't really surprise me that the animated film that is considered the very best of the Disney Animated Canon would get this treatment. That film? Beauty and the Beast.

To be honest, I am still a little confused as to the point of this. Why make a live-action remake of an animated film? Especially if the animated film is...quite hard to top. It was the first animated film to win a Golden Globe, and the first to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. This film's got quite a shadow over it.

My thoughts on the animated film? Well, I do remember watching the film a couple times, and it did grow on me, but back in the day, it wasn't one  Anyway, here's the trailer.

The first thing I have noticed with this trailer is that it has a very colorful look to it, which is rather nice. Reminds me of the original film in a way. I also like that we see Emma Watson in an outfit that resemble the original's. I think we get the impression here that she is a bit of a local schoolteacher based on the scene with the young girl.

This bit with Gaston talking to the mirror and Belle's reaction made me chuckle. No one loves himself more than Gaston.

It seems this film will follow the basic plotline of the original Disney movie, which makes sense. Although I am hoping they do some things a little differently. Having it completely word-for-word and beat-for-beat would make this whole thing kind of pointless.

Got a look at the new Beast. He looks...okay. We meet the new Lumiere, and Lumiere actually looks pretty cool. We also got a brief glimpse of Cogsworth, and I have to admit, the new Cogsworth really ruins my attempt to make a "emerged from a steampunk Hell" joke. We also get to see brief glimpses of Mrs. Potts and Chip. I like that they kept Chip's...chip. I know some people will complain about the CGI, but I think you'd have a lot of trouble pulling off the talking teapot and teacup with practical. Just sayin'.

And it would not be a Disney film without a musical number or two. It just would not.

Who is singing this cover? It's pretty good.

I do like the brief glimpse of Belle and the Beast in what look like duplicates of their outfits from the ballroom scene. Gotta admit, the outfits look great in live action.

What did I think of this trailer? Well, it was certainly pretty to look at. I have to admit, I never really had a lot of interest in this movie. I'm not against Disney doing this, as hey, it'll make them some money. I am a bit curious as to the thought process that led up to this, though. Also, for me, Beauty and the Beast wasn't one of the Disney films I had to watch. It never stuck with me like Great Mouse Detective or Hunchback of Notre Dame did. Still, it was a neat trailer to watch, and I hope it turns out well.

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