Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Falcon and the Winter Soldier Full Trailer, My Thoughts

 Back in December of last year, I gave my thoughts on the first look at the upcoming Disney+ series Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In the series, set after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes embark on an epic globetrotting adventure as they battle a group known as the Flag-Smashers. Meanwhile, the United States government has plans to introduce their own Captain America in the wake of Steve Rogers's...retirement. Yup, our two heroes have a lot on their hands to deal with. Let's look at the trailer!

Ooh, I think that psychiatrist is going to be hitting the bottle after the session with these two.

But in all seriousness, I wonder if this is how the series will actually go down, Bucky and Sam talking to the psychiatrist about how everything went down.

Falcon: "Plan? I'm the Falcon! I don't do plans!" 

I've heard that this city might be Madripoor.

It makes sense that Baron Zemo would be the villain here. If he learned that the Avengers had managed to reunite to stop Thanos, I can imagine he would...not take it well.

Yeah, kinda like that, only a LOT more shaking. I can imagine that Zemo's rage about this has twisted him quite a bit and made him into more of a straight-up monster.

You know, that young lady there has been given a bit of focus in these trailers, and I have heard a theory that she may be the MCU's version of Synthia Schmidt. But in actuality, she is playing Karli Morgenthau. In the comics, the original Flag-Smasher was a Swiss man named Karl Morgenthau. Nice little nod there. Also, she's the same actress who played Enfyn Nest in Solo. Yeah, Erin Kellyman. I enjoyed Solo.

Could Rhodey be among those men in uniform there? I mean, he did fight alongside Bucky and Sam in that big final battle in Endgame as well as in the Battle of Wakanda during Infinity War. We also know he's getting a Disney+ miniseries in the future, so maybe it will spin-off from here? 

I like that shot of Sam with the big poster of Captain America. Gives the idea that he's still looming over the MCU. Also, on his left. Ha.

"We're fightin' in the club, and we don't know why!" 

Fly, Falcon! Fly to freedom!

Hey, Sharon Carter! I always thought it was a bit of a shame that she never really got to shine much in the Captain America movies. That's what I love about these Disney+ miniseries. They give the lesser-known characters in the MCU a chance to shine like Jimmy Woo and Darcy Lewis in WandaVision. I ma kind of hoping they bring back Justin Hammer in Ironheart and/or Armor Wars. 

Sharon Carter layin' a smackdown! ...she should pick up that baton. You never know if you need it again.

Gotta give John Walker credit. Man can make an entrance.

Falcon forming his wings into a bulletproof shield is pretty cool.

You can see a bit of buddy comedy influence in Sam and Bucky's interactions here. I like it.

You know that song keeps asking us if we're ready. Yes. We're ready!

I bet that poor psychiatrist was thinking "How did Rogers put up with you two idiots?"

I liked this trailer! I didn't reveal a whole lot, but that's okay. It teased us perfectly. And the music got me hyped. I want to see this! I can't wait for it to finally arrive! I do hope they release the six episodes like they have been doing for WandaVision, once per week. It would allow the show to stick in people's heads for a long time. The song in the trailer has asked me if I'm ready. Well, I am ready. I am so ready for this show!

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves, and each other! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, wash your hands often, and wear a mask! See you next time! 

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