Sunday, February 13, 2022

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Trailer, My Thoughts

Fate is a funny thing. Yesterday, I reviewed a Doctor Strange comic in honor of Strange's upcoming second solo movie: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And back in December, I gave my thoughts on the movie's teaser trailer that appeared after Spider-Man: No Way Home. And now? A trailer has dropped. Let's look at the trailer for the MCU's 28th movie, and let the Multiverse of Madness be unleashed!


That's a lot of stairs...

And here we go!

...maybe you shouldn't eat that anchovy and mustard pizza before bed, Steve. I know you think it's tasty, but that stuff will break your brain.

I imagine that's going to be the lesson Strange will learn in this movie.

Aaaaand the Multiverse is on a bender.

Hey, more of that wedding from the teaser. Maybe that's an alternate version of Strange...

So, the Vision was studying the Multiverse, huh? That's interesting. I wonder if he left some notes behind or something? Was he aware of it thanks to the Infinity Stone in his head?

Oh my God, that's Rintrah

The big green bull! That's Rintrah! Rintrah was an ally and student of Strange's in the 80s and 90s. He first appeared in Doctor Strange #80 (September 1986). I first learned of him thanks to the Infinity Gauntlet story. I love when the MCU gives lesser known and obscure characters spotlight.

Man, this new version of the Twilight Zone is weeeeird....

"Doctor Stephen Strange, you are under arrest for indecently exposing the Multiverse. That's some serious stuff."

Those guard robots look like Ultron. 

This doesn't look like the TVA. Maybe they updated their aesthetic since Loki?

Mah God...that's Patrick Stewart's voice. His voice is rather distinct. I know fans have theorized that he's reprised his role as Professor X. The theory does make sense. After all, multiversal shenanigans in No Way Home led to a whole bunch of surprise returns, and it does make a convenient way to bring in the X-Men movies. And from there, it can be assumed that this room Strange goes to is a way to introduce the Illuminati. Both Strange and Xavier were members of that group. Not to mention in that brief shot, it looks like one of those people in the seats is in a wheelchair. But trailers can deceive, so I'm going to wait until something official confirms this.

Are those dinosaurs?!

...this movie is going to break some minds, huh?

Isn't that the dark Strange from What If?

I've heard theories that the glowing figure that attacks Wanda is Monica Rambeau or Nova. I thought it may be Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch.

Don't you just hate it when you're enjoying a nice day in the city, and then a tentacle monster with a big eyeball shows up and starts throwing buses? This is a Tuesday in the MCU.

Callback to WandaVision!

...Wanda ain't wrong. She ain't wrong there. I hope she doesn't go all bad guy. I mean, I can get why, but I hope that doesn't happen.

Looks like Mordo might be trying to break Strange's cuffs...or it was an accident.

You know after this whole thing, Wong is going to give Strange the same treatment Homer likes to give Bart.

Well, I am hyped. I am officially hyped. I am so hyped for this movie! I cannot wait to watch this movie! It looks like it's going to be a real mindbender!

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, wash your hands often, wear a mask, and get vaccinated and boosted! See you next time!

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