Monday, June 6, 2022

Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Trailer, My Thoughts

Back in March, I gave my thoughts on the teaser trailer for the newest games in the Pokémon series: Scarlet and Violet. I remember being excited for them...albeit it reminded me that I need to get my butt going on my copy of Pokémon Sword. Not to mention I haven't got Arceus yet. Anyway, a new trailer is out for it! Let's take a look, shall we?

Backpack, on! Shoes, tied! Hat, adjusted! Alright, let's do this!

That's an...interesting-looking Pokémon Center.

Heh. Oranges and Grapes. Mmmm, oranges...

Huh. This is new. Sword and Shield had experimented with the idea of each version having its own unique Gym Leaders, and now it looks like the versions also each have their own unique professor! I have heard that one of the themes of this game is "Past vs. Future", so it's appropriate that one Professor looks like a cavewoman, and another looks like a refugee from Tron. I wonder if this will have any effect on the game's story...

Also, another fun thing? Their names. "Sada" and "Turo" are derived from the Spanish words "pasada" and "futuro" meaning "past" and "future", respectively.

Man, the starters look cute!

And here's our rival for the game! Hello, Nemona!

I think that little Pokémon she has there is going to be the resident Pikachu of the game. Every game in the series has one.

Wow, you can have up to four people adventure with you?! That's insane! But hey, it's a nice way to play with your friends! I wonder if this works across versions...

A couple old friends return, and some new friends debut...

Aww, look at the little piggy. And it's called Lechonk! This Pokémon is based on the black Iberian pig, and the name is more likely a reference to a suckling pig, which is called lechón in Spanish. 

Hey, a Drednaw! I have one of those on my team in Sword. Drednaw are great.

The footage we're seeing seems to emphasize open-world gameplay. I wonder if we're going to be catching Pokémon in Wild Areas like in Sword and Shield, or if the entire game is a Wild Area like Arceus. I have heard that unlike previous game in which you have to go places in a set order, you can go anywhere you want. I wonder how the game's story will work.

And here are the Legendaries of these games! You can see the "Past vs. Future" theme with them. The red one looks like an organic monster with a wheel on the chest, whereas the violet one looks like it may be a cyborg. 

Well, as I said before, I am excited for these games. I love the idea of the game being much more open-world. Makes it feel much more realistic. And the idea of each version having their own Professor is interesting. As soon as I finish Sword, I shall get these.

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