Thursday, June 29, 2023

Kraven the Hunter Trailer, My Thoughts

Now, before we look at this trailer, I wish to warn you, this is a red band trailer. That means it's going to be a bit bloodier than the standard trailer. With that warning out of the way, let's look at this thing!

"Dudes, I am so high right now..."

Little known fact: Kraven hates people who go nuts while driving. The road is sacred to him. 

Those people owe Kraven money, don't they?

"You uncle Vlad had...issues, but we do not talk about that." I seriously hope Russell Crowe got a fat check for this. That's the only reason I'd ever appear in one of these movies.

Kraven's Last Hunt reference! "They said my mother was insane..."

So is Kraven's dad here like, a Russian gangster or something? Would be hilarious if it turned out he was just a video game collector. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a scene of Russell Crowe fighting someone over a rare cartridge?

Wait, so is Kraven here like some kind of metahuman or something? He got powers from lion blood? 

Kraven's Dad: "What was Death like, son?"
Kraven: "Death turned out to be this really nice Goth chick. We had tea together."

Oh, come on, can't his vest have a lion face on it? I'm hoping this is just a preliminary vest before he gets the lion-face vest. If this was in the MCU, he'd have his lion-face vest. I mean, they found a way to give Electro his star-shaped mask...

"Yech, your nose tastes terrible! Eat more fiber!"

Is that Calypso? I think that is Calypso.

Bear trap death.

Yeah, another Kraven's Last Hunt reference there. The bit with Kraven surrounded by spiders. 

"Man, I love this crossbow." 

Oh, gawd. here comes the Rhino!

I have to admit, I do find the decision to do a film focusing on Kraven the Hunter to be a bit...of an odd decision. I kind of can get why they would do a solo film with Venom, as the character has had lots of development and his own sub-mythos, but Kraven? Yeah. Honestly, I will give this film a look if it hits TV or streaming, but this is something I may skip at the theatre. I get that nobody asks for any movie, but I especially don't see the point of this one. I doubt it will be used to set up a confrontation with Spider-Man.

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