Wednesday, August 14, 2019

1917 Trailer, My Thoughts

Sam Mendes is a British director of movies. He's directed American Beauty, Road to Perdition, Jarhead, and two films in the James Bond franchise: Skyfall and Spectre. He's actually the first director since John Glen to direct two Bond films back-to-back. He is also the grandson of Alfred Hubert Mendes, a novelist and veteran of World War I, the War to End All Wars. The elder Mendes's service in the war would inspire Sam Mendes's latest cinematic creation: 1917. He produced and co-wrote the movie with Krysty Wilson-Cairns.

1917 tells the tale of a pair of British soldiers: Schofield (George MacKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman). They have been given a rather impossible mission, should they choose to accept it. They have to get a message across enemy territory that will stop an attack that will doom 1600 British soldiers. Time is of the essence on this one, as the attack will happen the next day. The mission is also a personal one for Blake, as his brother is one of those soldiers whose life is unknowingly in danger...well, as dangerous as war can get. So, let's take a look at the trailer for 1917!

Explosions going off behind you is a good reason to run.

This bit with the Doughboys in the trench has a real horror film vibe. I'm expecting some kind of monster to attack them.

If this were a horror film, the monster would get that guy who found the photograph.

Yeah, those guys are totally dead.

Man, Schofield and Blake could really use Wonder Woman's help right now.

Good thing for Schofield and Blake those soldiers learned to shoot at the Imperial Marksmanship Academy.

In Apocalypse Now, the choices were fighting or surfing. In this film, you either fight or swim in dead bodies.

Hey, Benedict Cumberbatch!

You dolt! The soldiers are going THAT way!

Spend Christmas watching a film about war.

Well, this seems rather interesting. The cast includes people like Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong, whom I have enjoyed in other films, and I also enjoyed Skyfall, so I think I'll give this a shot. It sounds like a good movie.

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