Monday, August 26, 2019

The Mandalorian Trailer, My Thoughts

Five years after the Galactic Empire fell in Return of the Jedi, the galaxy is in chaos. It's a time where the lawless became the law. It was the time of bounty hunters and mercenaries. And among them...was the Mandalorian.

The Mandalorian is an upcoming TV series for the Disney+ streaming service, due to release in November. It tells the tale of the titular character's adventures in the outer reaches of the galaxy. What's a Mandalorian, you may ask? Well, they're a race of people in the Star Wars universe. You guys know of Boba Fett? Well, he's a Mandalorian.

The show will be run by Jon Favreau (You may know him for directing the first two Iron Man films. He also played Happy Hogan), and it boasts quite a cast: Gina Carano, Carl Weathers, Nick Nolte, and even legendary German actor/director Werner Herzog. So, let's take a look at the trailer, revealed at the D23 Expo!

Wow, I bet some Stormtroopers are going to be wanting those helmets.

Oh, I bet those Stormtroopers regret not being able to aim.

That's a neat ship. And what a pretty planet.

"Ahhh, another day of bounty hunter, another dollar." Or...credits? Hey, what is the currency in the Star Wars universe?

I still am amazed they got Carl Weathers for this.

Oh look, they're flying over Dune! Watch out for sandworms!

When you're a bounty hunter, making a cool entrance is part of the job.

I think we just met some of the characters.

Heh. That Twi'lek must be lonely.

A bit of Western homage in those shots. Makes sense, I think Westerns were an influence on Star Wars.

"For the 500th time, I am NOT Boba Fett!"

Hey, IG-88! I remember him from Shadows of the Empire! That was a fun game! I hated him.

So, what is a Mexican Standoff called in the Star Wars universe? A Mandalorian Standoff?

"Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession." True, but you get to be your own boss.

I think he just broke the face of an Ood.

Huh. The Mandalorian has his own version of webshooters.

Hah. Dude in carbonite.

Well, I have to say, I am intrigued. I admit, I am a bit more of a...casual fan of Star Wars, mainly thanks to the Sequel Trilogy. I do want to watch this, as it seems like it will be quite good. I get a Western vibe to it, which is kind of neat.

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. I have mixed feelings about this trailer, one the one hand it's a good trailer, (I like how there's almost no dialogue) on the other hand I'm a bit annoyed that it's not Boba Fett as I'm a big fan of him (I'm still salty that 1313 was cancelled).

    Also I've seen the leaked clips and while I like when a story in any media has little dialogue the clips I saw were a little boring. It's not really Show Don't Tell it's, slowly explain things and have very VERY Long pause between dialogue. Like, one scene is just M talking to his client and that's it. It's well acted but good acting only goes so far.

    Though I'll admit that my feelings might be clouding my judgement as I'm not a fan of the Disney Era on the whole (I actually like the Prequels and feel that they're actually good, though still flawed) and that I didn't enjoy The Last Jedi.

    No desrespect to anyone who enjoyed it but I felt that it's the weakest of the SW films for a number of reasons, the chief among them being, Rey being used as a means to develop Luke and Kylo while being given no character screen time to herself. Rose being as selfish as Anakin was in ROTS and yet being rewarded for it, Poe becoming unlikable twat, Holdo being amazingly unlikable and rather poorly acted IMO and the First Order is led by a bunch of idiots.

    To contrast this to another revived series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and the Original Sequel Trilogy The Thrawn Trilogy, the issues I have with The Disney Sequel Trilogy are much easier to spot. I feel Rey PALES in comparison to Mara Jade who is my all time favorite character in Star Wars and her arc is amazing to watch in that Trilogy. Catra is an amazing villain who I actually care about and want to see her redeemed. Adora is, IMHO, Rey done Right with her being given great power yet still flawed and relatable. And Hodak and Thrawn, These are AMAZING villains. Chess Masters who remain calm and cool even under the most stressful situations.

    I LOVE TTT and She-Ra because I CARE about characters and the story is well written while I find TLJ to be almost as poorly written as Game of Thrones 8th Season.

    To round this out, Mara's arc in TTT is about an abuse victim breaking away from her abusive parent and learning to except a new family that Actually cares about her. She-Ra is about two friends who clearly love each other finding themselves on opposites sides of a war and learning who they are to each other as well as themselves. The Prequel Trilogy is about someone who's selfishness ends up destroying all he holds dear and soon finds himself alone with nothing but his power. And The Original Trilogy is about a someone who seeks to redeem his father and prove himself to be a Jedi.

    The Disney Sequel Trilogy doesn't seem to have an arc. Rey is the chosen one and she wants to be a Jedi because she's a Star Wars fan and hates Kylo, until she suddenly doesn't and wow this got off topic. Um, anyways, yeah, good trailer, hope the show does well and also check out TTT and She-Ra reboot series as they're both really good.
