Thursday, March 11, 2021

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge Reveal Trailer, My Thoughts

If you grew up in the late 80s and 90s like I did, you may be familiar with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In the early 90s, Turtle-Mania was a thing. Their 1987 cartoon series and video games became rather iconic. And now, this classic era of the Heroes in a Half-Shell is being revisited in a brand-new beat-em-up game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge!  Let's look at the trailer!

Heh, homaging the original 80s series intro. Nice.

I love that theme. This cover isn't bad at all. The rhythm of the singing does feel a bit "off" at moments, though.

I like the animation here. It feels like a modernized version of the 80s show. Thumbs up! 

I wonder if Splinter and April will be playable. Maybe as hidden unlockables? I do like the idea of 80s-era April O'Neil kicking butt.

Hey, a Triceraton! I don't remember them in the 80s series, but they are from the original TMNT comics, and have appeared in other series. Nice to see this version is giving a nod to the original comic material. 

Surf's up, dude! 

Yeah, you guys are going to need some heavier weaponry to take own that big ol' Technodrome.

And we get to see some gameplay! I love the sprite art they're using here. And I also like that each Turtle has a unique running animation. It helps give them a bit more personality.

You know Bebop, if you don't like a TV show, you can just watch something else. No need to wreck the studio!

If The Office was about a bunch of Foot Clan robots, I would totally watch it.

The gameplay reminds me of Turtles in Time. I played the remake of it for my X-Box 360. I enjoyed it.

Oh man, I've heard of getting in your face, but that Foot-bot took it to a new level!

I want this game! I want this game! I want this game in my hands! I want to play this right now! Give me this game! I hope it comes to the Nintendo Switch! As you can tell, I am hyped for this. I love everything about this trailer, and I am so excited for this game! It looks like it will be tons of fun! I hope it contains lots of nods to previous TMNT games.

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves, and each other! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, wash your hands often, and wear a mask! See you next time!

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