Thursday, August 22, 2024

World Folklore Day

Happy World Folklore Day, everyone!

This day is about celebrate, well...folklore. Wikipedia defines "Folklore" as a body of expressive culture shared by a particular group of people, culture, or subculture. It encompasses things like myths, traditional songs, dances, stories, art, these are all things that help give a culture its identity. There are numerous such cultures and groups all over the world, and they all have their folklore.

The reason World Folklore Day is celebrated on this day is because it was on this day in 1846 that English writer William John Thoms. Yes, that's how his name was spelled. This day was established by UNESCO in 2018 to raise awareness for the need to promote and preserve folklore traditions. 

For me, I am most familiar with American folk tales, which had characters like the apple-tree growing Johnny Appleseed, the tornado-riding cowboy Pecos Bill, the gigantic lumberjack Paul Bunyan, and the steel-driving freeman John Henry. And as anyone who's visited this blog will notice, I love superheroes. I like to think that characters like Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Storm, they're modern folklore, modern mythology.

This has gotten me inspired to read up on these tall tales, so I think I'll do that. Thanks for reading this blog entry! See you next time! 

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