Monday, September 30, 2024

Text Play: Pokémon Xenoverse #33

Hello, and welcome back to the Eldiw Region! this is entry number 33 of my Text Play of Pokémon Xenoverse! 

Now, as is tradition, I wish to warn you, I will be spoiling this game. 

As such, I would strongly, strongly, strongly recommend that before you read these Text Plays, you go download the game and play through it yourself. You can do so right here. And now with that out of the way, let's get on with the show!

Last time, we started exploring Hypelion City, ending up at their resident Graffiti Gallery.

Yeah, here. This is actually really cool, and it does fit the hip-hop vibe of the city. Talking to one of the artists here reveals that there's a bit of graffiti that seems to move around. Keep an eye out for what looks like a colorful chameleon hiding out here. Because it's actually a Pokémon. 

Yeah, it looks like this. Say hello to Tokakle. It's a funny-looking Pokémon, ain't it? But then again, these critters like to do things that would make Charles Darwin bang his head on a wall. 

Well, with the exploration out of the way, we can prepare to face off against Wallace Daddy. Ol' Wally is a Sound-type specialist, appropriate for a man who also makes a living as a musician. So, as is tradition, we have to build a new team to take him on. Sound is weak to Electric and Dragon. Well, I got Harrowk, so I got Electric covered, but it would not hurt to have some back-up. Dragon is a bit more of a problem as I have absolutely no Dragon-type Pokémon.

Yeah. But it's not all bad. There's more than one way to beat a Gym Leader, by howdy! Luckily for me, all of Wally's Pokémon are dual types. And they have other types I can counter. Wally will likely have that X Slurpuff with him that he recruited in the last entry. Palossand was really helpful against it last time, so I will definitely be bringing along my favorite angry little sandcastle.

Wallace Daddy will also be packing a Pyroar, a Skravroom, Arbok, and a Noivern. Yeah, in this game, these Pokémon are also part-Sound. I mean, I kind of get why Pyroar would be part-Sound. It resembles a lion, and lions are known in pop culture for having loud roars. Noivern, yeah. It's a bat-like Pokémon, and bats use sound to echolocate. Skravroom looks like a dune buggy mixed with a bug, and vehicle engines can be noisy. I don't know why an Arbok would be part-Sound, as when I think of loud noise, I don't think of cobras. Maybe because it can learn Screech? 

But then again, but that logic, any Pokémon that can learn Screech is a Sound-type. I mean, at least that would make some sense...

Right right right, sorry. Back on topic. Time to build a Wallace Daddy-countering team. But who to bring in?

Anyway, what to do against this team? Well, Palossand can also counter Pyroar thanks to it being Ground-type and knowing Bulldoze. I am thinking of also keeping my Pelipper on board. Poor old pelican never got to see much Gym action.

Skravoom is Steel/Sound. Trishout has that one handled, Fire being strong against Steel. They're also part-Sound, so Sound-type attacks won't do a lot of damage.

Arbok is Poison/Sound. I think I can have Xatu take care of that one, being part-Psychic. It also is weak to Ground, so Palossand could be a real powerhouse here. In fact, the only real mind-cruncher I have to deal with is Noivern. In the Eldiw region, Noivern is Sound...and Dragon. 

Dragon is a pain, but it does have weaknesses like every other type, thank Arceus. Dragon is weak against Fairy, Ice...and itself. Yeah, I have no idea how that works either.

I have no Dragon-types, but I do have plenty of Fairy and Ice-type Pokemon. Among them is Swirlix. It's a Fairy-type, and it knows Fairy Wind. here is also that X Galvantula. It's part-Ice, and it does back Icy Wind in its moveset. There is also Avalugg, which is Ice and it has both Icy Wind and Ice Fang. And then there's Chichi. It's Fairy, and it knows Fairy Wind. I did consider Cottonee, as it's part Fairy, and knows Fairy Wind. However, it's also part-Grass, which makes it vulnerable to Pyroar. 

I have a surprising amount of options. So many options, and I can only carry six only Pokémon at a time. What to do, what to do...

Well, I decided against using Cottonee. It being part Grass would make it vulnerable to Pyroar. I decided to bring along Avalugg from Box 2, to help counter Noivern. As well as Swirlix from Box 4. But before I get to grinding these Pokémon up, I realized that I didn't get to completely explore Hypelion. I missed something. Yeah, that's my bad.

Near the Hip-Top hoodie store is a tunnel.

I didn't notice it when I first came to that store. I wonder how I didn't. If we go in there, we end up heading somewhere really special. 


I'm kidding. Not about this being a parking lot, but this parking lot is part of something that I don't think I remember ever seeing in an "official" Pokémon game, or even any of the fan games I have played over the years.

Welcome to Samuel Oak Airport. Yeah, an airport. I think that's pretty cool there's an airport here in Eldiw. 

Unfortunately, we can't enter the airport yet. The stewardess at the door says that we need the Beat Badge to get in. That's the badge we get if we defeat Wallace Daddy. I find this very weird. I mean, from a gameplay perspective, I do understand. This is the game's way to pushing us towards beating Wally. We can't' go forward unless we beat him. I get that. But from an in-universe perspective, why do we need that badge to come in here? Is this a private airport reserved only for Trainers? 

Yeah, I'm confused about that, too. Anyway, since we can't go in until we beat Wallace Daddy, we may as well get our team ready. And yes, that will involve grinding. Grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding...

Right, right, sorry. Now, Wallce Daddy's Pokémon are all between levels 43-46. His weakest his Arbok at level 43, and his strongest is Pyroar at level 46. My plan to bring Pokémon that are all at around levels 50-55. Most of my standard team are at that point already. Heck, Trishout and Harrowk have entered their sixties right now, level-wise. Yup. Trishout is at level 60, and Harrowk is at 63. Avalugg is at level 42 right now. The problem is Swirlix. It's barely at level 30, so most of the grinding will have to be done to power that little puffball up. 

And I'm afraid that's where we're going to have to stop for the month. I didn't get as much time to work with this game as I would have liked to this month, so my apologies for the short entry. Hopefully, by the end of next month, I'll have my team ready to face Wallace Daddy and get through the gym! Wish me luck! Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourselves and each other! See you next time!

Pokemon Obtained:
(Graffiti Gallery)
- Tokakle

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