Monday, November 30, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Trailer, My Thoughts

Well, after a long time (and a lot of screaming from fans), the trailer to the latest MCU flick: Captain America: Civil War...has dropped.

...And it is glorious.

One of the big moments of this trailer is that we finally get the first glimpse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's newest member: The Black Panther.

I have to admit, I like costume. My only nitpick is that I feel the silver claw things on the Panther's chest and the arms should be gold instead of silver. But as I said, it's merely a nitpick. I generally love the suit, and I'm sure it'll look even better in motion in the actual movie.

I have to admit, when I first heard about this new film, I was unsure. I wasn't a fan of the Civil War story in the comics, so I asked myself, "Really? That story? There was a lot more story options they could've used." Personally, I would've loved them to tackle Mark Gruenwald's "Captain America No More" story. It's one of my personal favorite epic Cap stories.

I also had concerns when it was announced many of the actors would reappear in the film, reprising their roles from the Avengers films, I was additionally nervous. I felt that this was simply Avengers 3 rebranded as a new Cap film.

However, when I got to see the fears were, for all intents and purposes, ended. I feel this film will focus on Cap and Bucky, which is very good. I also feel that this story will be better handled than the actual comic. I have some actual faith in this film, and that is good. I am very excited for this movie. I can't wait to see it. I also want to see Spectre.


  1. Perhaps they will base some of the final script on aspects from "Captain America No More". Considering what is involved in the story, there could be some crossover elements. I guess we'll see. In any case, I agree. Looking forward to this film.

    1. Perhaps, yes. I can imagine the storyline as is would be very hard to adapt into a film, but I can see elements of that story being used. After all, Age of Ultron did use elements from the comic storyline "Ultron Unlimited".

      This film will be great.
