Monday, October 24, 2016

Logan Trailer, My Thoughts

A new trailer has dropped! This one is for the film that is intended to be the swan song for Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine, the film known simply as...Logan. Yup. The title may not seem like much, but I think it fits. Give it a view!

This film appears to be based on the Mark Millar-penned and Steve McNiven-drawn Old Man Logan storyline published in 2008. In that story, an elder Wolverine travels a post-apocalyptic alternate future of the Marvel Universe that had been conquered by the supervillains and that had wiped out most of the superheroes.

When we get our first glimpse of Logan in this trailer, he looks...worn out. We see his hand shake, possibly from nerve damage, his hair is grey, he's got a beard and scars, showing that his famous healing factor may be badly weakened or even gone.

One line we hear Logan mutter is "Mutants...they're gone now." This one has made me wonder. Minor spoiler here, in Old Man Logan, Wolverine (under the illusions of Mysterio), killed the other X-Men. It's possible that the X-Men's lives may have ended the same way, but I doubt they'd retain that part of the story. The line seems to indicate that mutants in general may be practically extinct.

I love the song choice here, Johnny Cash's take on "Hurt". It's such a perfect choice. The sound and lyrics really seem to fit Wolverine at this point.

From what the trailer shows, Logan and Xavier will be travelling to help a little girl who is, according to Xavier, "a lot like (Logan)". Welcome to the X-Films, X-23.

We get a brief glimpse of a blond man with a robotic hand. That has to be Donald Pierce. I have heard the Reavers will be the villains of this movie, so it'd make sense for him to be there. I hope the film version still retains the fanatical hatred of mutants the comic version has. Mainly because I want to see Pierce ranting and raving while fighting Wolverine that he's a "real" human even though he's mostly a toaster.

The bit with Logan, X-23, and Xavier at the dinner table together made me smile and go "aww" a little bit. It was cute. They were like a little family. It was adorable.

This was a nicely-done trailer. Logan appears to be a much more personal and "grounded" superhero film than the rest of the X-Films, and that's a nice change of pace. It's also rather appropriate for Logan. I hope to give this a watch when it comes out.

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