Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Huntdown Launch Trailer, My Thoughts

The name Coffee Stain Studios may not ring a lot of bells. However, you may have heard of a certain game they made called Goat Simulator. Yup, Goat Simulator came from this Swedish company. In recent years, the company has also gone into game publishing. One game they're doing is a game developed by fellow Swedes called Huntdown. Let's take a look at the launch trailer!

I like the graphics. They kind of remind me of the style of 16-bit/32-bit sprite style games.

And of course, we have the cyberpunk setting. I get why it's a very popular setting. There's something inherently cool about the aesthetic of it. I wonder what city it's set in? New York? Los Angeles? You know, let's assume Peoria. Why not? That's never been done.

Yeah, it's your typical cyberpunk dystopian future, crime rules the streets, we gotta blow up stuff, blah blah blah. But hey, we might get some laughs out of this.

Man, how bad do things have to get for the cops to call in these bounty hunters? Is there no cyber-S.W.A.T. in Peoria? That's a fun name. Peoria, Peoria, Peoria...

Okay, okay!

Anna Conda. Get it? You know, I think Miss Conda would be a great addition to the Mortal Kombat roster. She's certainly got the bloodthirstiness. I can imagine people give Miss Conda a very wide berth. If they're smart.

John Sawyer, cyborg. Descendant of Tom Sawyer. Rush fan. I can imagine it being very awkward for him in grade school, being a man and all.

John bleeds bullets and spits gunpowder. That's why he can't legally donate blood.

Mow Man. That's...that's just beautiful. I love that he also has this classy British voice while bringing the pain and carnage.

This is what The Warriors would be if it was set in the cyberpunk 80s. The Misconducts are my favorite of these gimmicked gangs. 

I loved this trailer. It was funny. I had a good laugh from how the voiceover descried the characters, and the game itself looks like a ton of fun. I hope there's a demo, because I want to try this game out.

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