Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Outer Worlds Launch Trailer, My Thoughts

In 2019, Obsidian Entertainment developed and Private Division published a first-person action RPG called The Outer Worlds. The game was originally released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. The game was set in the future of an alternate timeline in which President William McKinley was never assassinated in 1901, leading to a future where megacorporations ruled the world (Without McKinley dying, Theodore Roosevelt never became president, thus he never got to attack the big trust companies).

The game would be praised for its story, voice acting, and soundtrack, but criticized for its combat system and animations. The game would sell more than 2 million copies, and be nominated for (and won numerous awards). And now the game is blasting its way to the Nintendo Switch! Let's take a look at the launch trailer!

The game's settings remind me of Star Wars, everything feels "lived in", if you get what I mean. There's a feeling that these structures have been around for a very long time.

I heard Auntie Cleo's has great burgers.

BONK! Enjoy your concussion by gun!

I love that this trailer is done in the style of a recruitment film. It's a clever touch.

The Man in the Moon has had all he can stand, and he can't stand no more!

What're you doing here, Mr .Surgeon?!

Yeah, I don't think that whole 24-hour thing is feasible...but then again, it is a future ruled by megacorporations...

"Bah Gawd, King! That dropkick had no effect!"

Heh heh, 50s style ray gun.

Well, this looks like a nice bit of fun! It's great that so many games are coming to the Switch. I can certainly see why that is. The Switch is literally a portable game console. It makes sense that a lot of game companies would want to port console games to it, as it allows many of them to be played on the go for the very first time. Well, officially at the least. The game looks like it will be fun! I hope there's a demo!

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, show it off! Take care of yourself, and each other. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, and wash your hands often! See you next time!

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