Sunday, June 28, 2020

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Announcement Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1987, Nihon Falcom released the game Ys: The Vanishing Omens for the PC-8801 (A Japanese personal computer). Masaya Hashimoto was the game's designer, programmer, and director. The game's scenario was written by Tomoyoshi Miyzaki. The game told the tale of an adventurer named Adol Christin, who has to collect six magical books so he can save the land of Ys from the evils that have attacked it.

Over the next 33 years, the Ys series has had eight main games, a couple of spin-offs, and even a couple of spin-off game series. The main games have been ported to and remade for many systems over the years, from various computers to consoles and handhelds. And now, the latest game in the series, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Let's take a look at the announcement trailer!

I really enjoyed playing Ys VIII on my Switch...until I got stuck. I was hyped to play it and I did enjoy it...until I got stuck. That annoyed me.

Run, Adol! Run to glory!

Ouch. Could've been worse, Adol. Could've ended up taking that green energy blast in the face.

Adol looks like he stepped right out of a Castlevania game. He's going to meet Dracula, and the vampire's going to go on about men being miserable piles of secrets, isn't he?

I bet at least one of Adol's new companions got into the monster summoning business just so they could wear the crazy outfits.

The Prison City. Is it actually called "Prison City", or is it a nickname, like the Big Apple for New York City? How does a prison city work? How are taxes collected? Are there like different neighborhoods for different criminals?

You don't scare me, giant crab! I'M THE MOOD FOR SOME SEAFOOD DINNER!

Those monsters are some ugly mothers.

I just realized something. Monstrum Nox means "Monster Night" in Latin, I think. That's pretty clever.

Well, call me excited. I enjoyed the last Ys game I played, and I can't wait for this one. It looks really cool, and I'm all up for some monster slaying in an RPG. Bring it on!

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