Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Agents of Mayhem Trailer, My Thoughts

I love the Saints Row series. Over the four games, things went more insane and over-the-top, but it only made each game more fun than the last. Amazingly, I still have to get Gat out of Hell. I thought it looked so awesome based on the trailers, and I was so eager to get it when it came out.

The people behind them, Deep Silver and Volition, have come out with a new game, Agents of Mayhem. And they have released a trailer for it!

According to the Wikipedia page on the Saints Row series, this game is part of the Saints Row universe, as the trailer does show a character that appeared in Gat out of Hell.

The first character we meet is Doctor Babylon. I am assuming he is the villain or antagonist or whatever you want to call it of this game. His design kind of reminds me of a mix of Lex Luthor and Locutus of Borg with a Lord Zedd-esque staff. He's pretty awesome, especially when displaying his techno-manipulation powers. I hope the giant robot he makes is a boss in this game!

Next we meet Fortune, a cute Latina with guns and a combat drone. She also had some friends: Hardtack the sailor (whose intro made me chuckle and kind of reminds me of the GI Joe Shipwreck), and Hollywood the actor, who can summon a stunt double to do deadly stunts in his place. Each of the characters look really cool. Hollywood is a pretty boy, Fortune is a scrapper, and Hardtack looks like a rough-and-tumble brawler.

I also like their varied attack styles. It gives players a chance to look for the characters whose style they are most comfortable with. I'll be giving all three of these a try if possible.

The thing I love about this trailer is that it gives little glimpses of the characters and what they can do. That to me is one of the strongest points of this trailer. I hope we do meet more characters with various attack styles and cool weapons.

I did read it was connected to the Saints Row series, but I found it hard to believe at first. The game seemed so...different. These characters weren't using purple as their primary color. They weren't an over-the-top street gang. They were mercs. Until the very end, when I saw the mercs' boss in front of a big glowing purple futuristic fleur-de-lis. That was the symbol of the 3rd Street Saints. These guys were the Saints! That blew my mind.

Based on what I have heard, these guys are the future legacy of the 3rd Street Saints. Not bad for a small gang that started out to protect their little part of Stilwater and ended up running the world.

This trailer was a lot of fun to watch, and the game will hopefully be a lot of fun to play. I can't wait!

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