Saturday, June 11, 2016

Warcraft Review

Warcraft. One of the world's most famous MMORPG franchises, it has millions of players from all over the world and all walks of life. The most well-known game in the franchise is World of Warcraft. First released for PCs in 2004, the game has gone through five expansions, with a sixth called Legion on the way. I admit, I've never played it myself, but I have a memory of watching someone play it in college.

The franchise has created a massive, complex world that has been further expanded upon by novels and comic books. Most recently, a film was released, based on this world.

The film portrays how humans and orcs first met in the Warcraft universe, which I think is the events of the very first Warcraft game, Orcs and Humans. The Orcs' world is dying, and they need somewhere need a new home. Gul'Dan, the leader of the orcs, unites the orc clans into an army known as the Horde, and uses a portal that is powered by dark magic that uses the life force of other beings.

Orcs arrive in the world of Azeroth, and go on the rampage. As a result, King Llane Wrynn of the kingdom of Stormwind must unite the lands of Azeroth in an Alliance to repel the Orc invasion. In the process, one of the orcs, Durotan, has his doubts about this invasion and seeks to stop Gul'Dan.

The story has a rather bittersweet ending, and it was actually surprising. One gripe I did have was with how the dialogue was delivered in the film. It in some way. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, to be honest. It just felt really off in some way.

Another thing about this movie is...well, I've never played the Warcraft games before. But I did get a code for a free game when I went to the theater, so I do want to give it a try at some point in the future. I did feel a bit lost, but it wasn't major. If you are a fan of Warcraft and know the mythos like the back of your hand, you may get more enjoyment out of this.

So, what did I like about this film? Well, I liked the characters. Some may complain about the number of characters in the film, but I had no issue following what was going on with them. I also did like that there were some subtle funny moments in the movie. And I loved the general look of the film. It was colorful and amazing to look at. Also, I thought the film's ending was surprisingly bittersweet. I had to admit, I didn't see it coming. Maybe those who know the Warcraft mythos would, but I personally was surprised by it. The final battle was amazing. Definitely awesome to watch. It was the coolest part of the whole movie. I was also impressed with the special effects. This film really was a feast for the eyes. The film also has a theme of parents and children running through it as well, which I thought was neat.

Should you watch Warcraft? Well, if you are a fan, I'm sure you've seen it already, and you may enjoy it. Non-fans should give it a watch if they aren't expecting a Lord of the Rings-level epic tale. Just keep in mind the stilted dialogue delivery, but the final battle is epic. If you can watch it at your theater for cheap, it's a decent popcorn flick. Regular players and fans of Warcraft would probably appreciate it more, though.

Now, if you will excuse me, the theater gave me a code to try out World of Warcraft for free, I want to see what the hubbub is about it for myself...

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