Wednesday, June 1, 2016

First Day of June and FFVI

It's the first day of June! Summer is here, and with it comes sunny days, ice cream shops are opening up...and for me, seasonal allergies and humidity are making their comeback. Yay.

Anyway, I hope to do more comic reviews in the coming months, as well as transcribe my thoughts on various things, like trailers and such. I also hope I remember to take my allergy medicine as I hate having a blocked up nose and sneezing like crazy during the summers.

On a more positive note, I have been playing some Final Fantasy VI lately. I have owned the GBA version for some time, but I never really had the chance to actually sit down and play it lately. I got the original SNES version (back when it was called Final Fantasy III in the US, remember those days?) on my Wii thanks to the Virtual Console service, but I could never get past the part where Locke and the Moogles had to fight off the Magitek guards early on in the game, so I gave up on it. However, I found an online guide, and used it to help me get through that part on the GBA remake. After that part, I found myself really enjoying the game.

I had a dentist appointment today, so I took my DS with me and played it some more. I'm getting ready to tackle Mt. Kolts. The theme of Mt. Kolts is really nice. It makes me bob my head a bit when I listen to it. Here, take a listen!

Neat, huh? But then again, FFVI was known for its soundtrack. If I could record footage off my GBA cartridge, I could do a playthrough. Ah, well. Have a happy June, everyone!

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