Monday, August 3, 2020

Battletoads Trailer, My Thoughts

Back in 1991, Tradewest released the Rare-developed video game known as Battletoads for the NES. The game told the tale of Rash, Pimple, and Zitz. They were a trio of hard-brawlin' anthromorphic amphibians who fought to save the universe from the evil machinations of the Dark Queen. 

The game would get ported to various consoles and computers, including the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, the Amiga, and the Game Boy. The game was praised for its variety of playstyles and graphics, but did get criticism for its notorious difficulty.

The game would spawn a minor franchise, even doing a crossover with Double Dragon. It has been announced that a new game is coming. Let's look at the trailer for it!

I've seen the new look of the Battletoads compared to cartoons like Rise of the TMNT, and I can see why. I think Rise has more fluid animation.

Heh, people may complain the Dark Queen's design isn't "sexy" enough, but this version has already shown she has something resembling a personality. Far more than the original had.

Oh, I get what's going on here. The Queen's going to trick the Battletoads into doing her bidding until they realize she's the bad guy and they kick the tar out of her. Not complaining about this, Battletoads doesn't need to have a complex story.

Green shape is right. Pink Shape looks great. That workout plan's really done them good.

Now THIS is what people play Battletoads for! This looks fun! The 'Toads morphing into things while fighting is pretty funny.

It's kind of a shame that this game likely has no online multiplayer. I do get they're homaging the original not having it, but it would be nice for those who like that sort of thing. Doesn't bother me personally.

Ohhh, the Turbo Tunnel. This was a notoriously difficult part of the original game, so it's not surprising that it was brought back. A whole new generation of gamers will get tormented!

Hey, there's a space shooter part of this game?! Awesome!

Yeah, working for the Dark Queen is not something you may want to be famous for, boys.

Well, this game looks like a ton of fun. I am a bit sad that it's likely that this game is never coming to the Nintendo Switch. Previous Battletoads games have come to Nintendo systems in the past, so it's kind of strange that that's likely not going to be the case here. I get why, but it's a shame. Still it looks like a ton of fun, and I hope it does well.

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