Friday, May 31, 2024

Aero #1 (September 2019)

For AAPI month, I thought it would be neat to showcase a comic focusing on an Asian superhero. As a fan of obscure and lesser-known characters, I thought it would be appropriate to give some spotlight to a character that is likely not well-known to the mainstream. I would like to introduce you to Lei Ling, aka Aero. 

Aero, like her codename indicates, is aerokinetic. A Chinese architect by trade, she has the power to manipulate wind thanks to her chi. Created by writer Zhou Leifen and artist known as Keng, she was born out of a collaboration between Marvel Comics and the Chinese internet company NetEase. She debuted in Aero #1 (September 2018). But she would get some brief prominence thanks to the event known as the War of the Realms. From there, she would go on to be a member of a revamped version of the Agents of Atlas. She most recently appeared in The Marvels (the comic-book series, not the movie) in 2021. 

The cover is by Keng, and it's pretty good, if a bit basic. It's a pinup of Aero herself.

"Aero & Wave: Origins and Destinies - Part One"
Writer: Greg Pak
Penciler: Pop Mhan
Inker: Pop Mhan
Colorist: Frederico Blee
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Editors: Mark Paniccia, Tom Groneman
Editor-in-Chief: C.B. Cebulski

The story begins with our heroine being celebrated alongside a Philippines-based superhero team known as the Triumph Division for their defending of Asia during the events of War of the Realms. The Division are pre-established characters, first appearing in Invincible Iron Man #2 (June 2008), created by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larocca. They are the Philippines' main superhero team. Think of them as counterparts to Alpha Flight in Canada, Big Hero 6 in Japan, or the Winter Guard of Russia. They also have a rather unique gimmick: The members are all from families of superheroes. 

Aero notices one of the members of the Division is missing: Pearl Pangan, aka the water-manipulating Wave. Aero goes looking for her and finds her fellow Agent of Atlas at the Philippine Sea.

Page 2, Panel 2

Aero shows her medal to Wave and tries to get her to come back with her. Wave refuses, saying that she got kicked out of Triumph Division, as she abandoned her post.

Lei thinks that's ridiculous. It's not hard to see why. After all, it wasn't like Pearl ran away out of cowardice or betrayed the group. She was helping fight the Queen of Cinders alongside Jimmy Woo's Agents of Atlas. She suggests they go to tell Woo about this, as he can help clear this mess up. Pearl refuses, as she thinks the Division won't believe her. After all, she never fit in with the group. In fact, she never fit in anywhere. It's here she recaps her origins.

Pearl Pangan grew up in Cebu, a province of the Philippines. The heroine grew up on the beaches and loved to swim. In fact, she was a natural-born swimmer. Put Pearl in the water, and she was lightning. She could swim faster than anyone around and was potentially on her way to become an Olympian. However, her life took a different path. 

Page 4, Panels 3-5

Hey, people may look down on fast-food joint workers, but it's an honest job and honest work. It was here she found herself being recruited by a woman from a company known as Alontek. The company was doing studies, and they needed swimmers. Since Pearl was quite a talented swimmer, she was perfect for the job.

Pearl really enjoyed the job at first. She got paid well, and believed she was part of a real team. Hey, it seemed like she was living the dream, right?

At least, she felt that way. One day, a bunch of mysterious figures burst into her workplace, and attacked her and her coworkers. During the fracas, the attackers fired on a device, causing Pearl to be exposed to strange energies. She discovered the energies gave her the power to manipulate water. She used her new powers to fight back, but then it's revealed who exactly had attacked.

Page 7, Panel 1

Yup, the Triumph Division. Turns out that Alontek were not exactly on the up and up. Luckily, the Division understood that Pearl was unaware of what they were really like. They took the young woman in and helped her understand her powers, but wave never truly felt like she was a full member of the team. She always felt they never truly trusted her, that they were always suspicious of her. It's here that the leader of the Division, Red Feather arrives. He wants Wave's swords and armor, as he sees them as property of the Division. Wave wants to fight him, and the story ends with Aero standing with her Agents of Atlas comrade. 

The big criticism I have of this comic is that even though Aero is the titular character, it's pretty clear that Wave is the focus. 

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