Sunday, May 19, 2024

World Baking Day

Happy World Baking Day! 

The first World Baking Day was observed on May 17, 2012. It was created by Unilever as part of a promotional campaign for their margarine products. However, the day would officially be observed on May 20 of that year, because it was the third Sunday in May. Also, people in general would be able to bake something on a Sunday. 

Baking is a very old form of food preparation, dating back to various ancient cultures. The oldest known oven was found in 2014 in Croatia, at about 6500 years old. The Ancient Egyptians used yeast to bake bread. The ancient Greeks started baking bread around 600 BC, and they would go on to invent the enclosed oven. However, baking would flourish thanks to the Romans. They would come up with the concept of baking as a dedicated profession. Bakers were very respected in Ancient Rome, as bread was seen as a decadent delicacy, and Romans, well...they love to celebrate things.

As time went on, and technology advanced, baking would become the commercial industry it is today. So enjoy some bread, pretzels, donuts, baked potato chips, or try baking something yourself. It's great day to do so! Thanks for reading this blog entry! See you next time!

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