Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day

 Happy May Day, everyone!

What is "May Day", you may ask? Well, it's a European festival day of ancient origins. It's meant to mark the beginning of summer. This day falls between the spring equinox of the Northern Hemisphere and the June solstice. 

The modern May Day is descended from an ancient Roman festival called Floralia. This festival honored the Roman goddess Flora, the goddess of flowers. The spring is when we start seeing flowers bloom after the cold and snow of winter has subsided.

Traditions on May Day include wearing floral garlands, setting up maypoles to sing and dance around, and crowning a May Queen and Jack o' the Green. Various European countries have their own traditions on this day, including lighting bonfires.

Hope you had a wonderful day today and got to enjoy the birth of the spring! Thanks for reading this blog entry! See you next time!

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