Wednesday, May 8, 2024

World Donkey Day (May 8)

Happy World Donkey Day, everyone!

May 8 is World Donkey Day. This is a day to celebrate and recognize the hardworking animal known as the donkey. World Donkey Day (May 8) was started by a scientist named Ark Raziq. Raziq's scientific specialty was the study of desert-dwelling animals. He realized that the donkey had played a big part in helping build human society, and he felt they should be recognized for it. The first World Donkey Day was set up and celebrated in 2018, descended from a Facebook group he started dedicated to donkeys.

The donkey's relationship with humans is a long one, with humans having first domesticated them in Africa around 5000-7000 years ago. The origin of the word "Donkey" is lost to history, although there are some theories. 

Donkeys have long been valued by humans because they are seemingly the perfect working animal. Donkeys can run up to around 30 mph. They are strong animals, able to tug heavy loads for many miles. They are also somewhat self-sufficient and can bear harsh conditions. These animals have a reputation for being stubborn, but diligent and persistent. They can live between 50-54 years. Donkeys can be found all over the world, being used for various purposes, from working farms to being pets. They have also been used for meat and milk. 

There are believed to be over 40 million donkeys in the world, most of them living in underdeveloped places. There are also feral populations of donkeys in various places around the world, including North America. Australia has them, but they're considered an invasive pest. Donkeys were introduced to North America by the Spanish in the 15th century. They became popular in Ireland in the 17th century thanks to Oliver Cromwell confiscating horses there. 

So, yeah. Donkeys are hardworking critters, and they should be given their flowers for that, as they say. Thanks for reading this blog entry! See you next time!

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