Saturday, March 26, 2016

LEGO Star Wars: TFA Gameplay Trailer, My Thoughts

Recently, Traveller's Tales released a new trailer for their latest LEGO game: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I was immediately curious about this game as, well, I love the Lego games, and I loved The Force Awakens, so I decided to give it a looksee. The trailer is about the gameplay.

Like Lego games past, the game has lots of humor. Traditionally, these games adapt movies, but just add more silliness. It's always fun seeing what they do with their adaptations. I loved seeing the stormtroopers playing golf.

One thing your characters can do now in the game is during firefights, you can actually take cover. My guess is this game is going to have more levels where there will be shooting and firefights, which does makes sense. It IS a Star Wars game after all, and we are dealing with the Resistance vs. the First Order here. It does provide a nice way of diversifying the usual gameplay style. I can't help but wonder, though. Is this feature only usable by characters that use blasters? I imagine it would be, as Jedi characters could just simply Force-reflect blaster shots back at the shooter.

I love the idea of having multiple options for devices to build to solve a puzzle. Such a concept can really help increase the replayability of the game as it allows you to, in a small way, do something a little different on each playthrough. And the idea of distracting stormtroopers with a big pile of popcorn is utterly hilarious.

Another thing the game's trailer says that it expands on the story of the film, like how Han and Chewie managed to recapture the monster, where the heck Poe Dameron went for most of the movie, and from what I heard, it may even fill in some of the gap between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens. I actually really like this idea. It helps this game bring something new to the table, and I can imagine the people coming up with the gags had some very fertile ground to work in.

All in all, I do like the innovations that are coming to this game. I do like that Traveller's Tales is making an effort to shake things up to keep things from going stale. I can't wait for this to come out. I need some games for my new Wii U. I also want to get Lego Marvel's Avengers. The demo was so much fun.

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