Thursday, March 31, 2016

LEGO Batman Movie Teaser Trailer, My Thoughts

When it was released, The LEGO Movie was given a surprising amount of fan and critical praise. So much so, that there was outrage over it not getting any nominations for an Oscar.

It was announced that the film would get a spinoff focusing on one of the characters of the movie. Which one? Would we see a prequel depicting the younger years of Vitruvius? An origin story for Wyldstyle? An exploration of how President Business came to power? Nope! It's a spinoff focusing on Batman.

Is it weird that this trailer for this movie got me more hyped than the Batman v Superman trailers did? I mean, this teaser is just literally Batman coming home from fighting crime and microwaving some lobster for dinner. The BvS trailer hyped up this idea of two of DC Comics's biggest icons facing off. This one is just Batman coming home and microwaving some dinner.

And yet...this one gets me more excited and I want to see this film more. I don't know. This was a funny little teaser, and it was just fun to watch. Yeah, I think that's it. It was fun. And it was bright and colorful. I get the feeling this Lego Batman movie is going to be quite a fun movie to watch.

The minds behind the LEGO Movie are making this, so I do think it'll be a fun, yet deep story. And the voice cast is really neat. Ralph Fiennes, Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, Michael some good actors here! The idea of Mariah Carey voicing Gotham's mayor makes me chuckle.  I hope we get cameos from the LEGO Movie gang, because I'd love to see what they got up to after the events of that movie.

Anyway, I'm sure this movie will be a lot of fun. Can't wait for 2017!

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