Friday, March 4, 2016

New Star Fox Zero Trailer, My Thoughts

Nintendo put out a new Direct, and the Direct included a trailer for a game that I was very excited for: Star Fox Zero.

I have given my thoughts on the announcement for the game previously, which did include an E3 trailer, but a NEW trailer has just dropped for this game.

I have to admit, this trailer got me so excited. The first thing I saw was that the space combat felt like classic Star Fox. It felt like Star Fox 64 on steroids. Star Fox 64 was one of my FAVORITE N64 games. I had played and beaten it several times, and loved every second of it.

When I saw the Landmaster return, I was overjoyed. I also hope we get to see the Blue Marine, the submarine Star Fox used in Star Fox 64, make its return as well. And for more than one level. As I had noted in my previous blog entry for this game, the Arwings can now turn into a walker mode, like they could in the cancelled Star Fox 2 for the SNES.

It was also neat to see Katt Monroe make her return. Also, the return of Star Wolf! Can't wait to take those guys on again. I wonder what the roster will be in this game, as Assault showed Andrew Oikonny got kicked out, and Pigma Dengar was assimilated by the Apaaroids. Since there are three Wolfen craft seen in the trailer, I'm assuming the roster is Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and Panther Caroso.

The trailer reveals that there will be a co-op feature for the Arwings, which I think may mean one player flies the Arwing while the other mans the guns, so to speak. The trailer also shows that like in 64, alternate paths could be taken on some levels. Evidently, portals will be involved. Great way to increase the replay value.

We also see some usage of drones, probably for more subtle stealth-type missions. I wonder what circumstances will require those being used.

And the trailer ends with Arwing flying, some cool-looking possible bosses, a Star Destroyer exploding, and the title with Peppy yelling for a barrel roll.

I was looking forward to this game when it was first announced, and I am more excited for it now than ever. It looks like it will be awesome. I imagine I'll probably be playing this as much as I played Star Fox 64 back in the day! Awesome!

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