Thursday, August 29, 2019

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1999, Square Enix (Then just Square) released Final Fantasy VIII for the original PlayStation. The game told the tale of Squall Leonheart and a group of mercenaries known as SeeD. They end up having to fight in a war started by an evil sorceress from the far future named Ultimecia. Hailing from the far future, Ultimecia wishes to compress time because she's evil.

The game's characters were rendered more realistically than in its predecessor. It was also the first Final Fantasy game to have a vocal piece as a main theme. The game would go on to be highly praised for its visuals and uniqueness. However, some of its gameplay was criticized. The game would make over $50 million (The game cost $16 million to make), a commercial success.

Over the years, the game would get ported to PC, and be available for PlayStation 3, PSP, and Vita. This allowed the game to sell over 9 million units. And now, the game is getting a remaster for Windows, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. Let's take a look at the trailer!

A Night at the Opera, anyone?

I can see why a remaster would take so long. Remember, the source code for this game was lost years ago. Yeah, Square Enix literally lost the source code for this game.

Squall's Gunblade is between awesome and ridiculous for me.

It's funny seeing a character from a Final Fantasy game wearing a cowboy hat. I don't know why.

Those are some big nunchucks.

Is that Cerberus? It's a three-headed dog. Well, dog-dragon thing.

Meteor to the face. That will hurt.


I have to admit, I am surprised they're announcing a remaster of this game. Remember, the source code of this game is lost to the winds. That's incredible. They likely will have to rebuild this game from the ground up, as the source code is needed for a remaster. I can't imagine the amount of work that must take. The original version was made by about 180 people, so it's mindboggling the amount of manpower that rebuilding this game may need. Hopefully, they can pull it off, and give us a high-definition game that will be a joy for old and new players alike. I'll wait and see how it goes.

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