Monday, March 27, 2017

Justice League Trailer, My Thoughts

It's here, it's here! The World's Greatest Heroes are finally getting to make their big-screen debut! And the trailer has finally dropped!

The trailer begins with a man getting ready to mount a horse in the snow. Because nothing screams epic action and the Justice League like a man practicing his equestrian skills. :P

The man rides his horse as a voiceover, Ben Affleck's Batman, remarking that they have to be ready, and that there's not much time left. The horse pulls up to a cliff overlooking some sort of...outpost? The rider pulls back his parka and goggles to reveal...Ben Affleck's Batman. This version of Bruce Wayne has some bizarre hobbies.

We then get a brief cut of a man in his apartment, and a box glowing and morphing. We then briefly get a shot of what I think is a parademon...or Tony Stark wearing that goofy Iron Man armor from the 90s. You know, the Heroes Reborn one with the pipes on it?

Yeah, that one. And yes, that was an actual armor Iron Man wore.

We get a brief glimpse of Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry/Aquaman. We rescues a sailor, takes him to a bar, dups him on a table, takes a beer, and tells then to put it on the sailor's tab. Okay, I like him already. I hope he's the fun guy of the team. The DCEU desperately needs a fun guy. I hope he yells out "OUTRAGEOUS" at least once.

Next, we meet Cyborg, portrayed by Ray Fisher, who is shown...blowing up a tank. Is it just me, or do Wonder Woman and Batman sound really bored when they're describing these people? Like they could just not care less? Look, I get that Wonder Woman is from a group of warrior-scholarly women from an Ancient Greece-esque island, and Bruce Wayne is one of the richest men in the DC Universe, but they're talking about an actual cyborg and the King of Atlantis. Can't they at least PRETEND to be impressed?!

Is it just me o does Cyborg's CGI seem a bit...wonky? I'm not one of those people who complain endlessly about CGI in movies, but I can't help but think here that maybe the CGI could've been better-done here.

Next, we meet Barry Allen, the Flash...not played by Grant Gustin, but by Ezra Miller. We get to see him running...and I think the Flash costume in this movie looks a little...overly-designed. It's got brighter red than the TV suit, which is good, but it doesn't need the black.

We get a neat scene with Barry catching the batarang. That's pretty cool.

We then see Batman swing down and toss something at a Parademon, I think...geez, they couldn't bother to try and make them resemble Kirby's designs a little bit? And then we see the rest of the League fighting more Parademons, Aquaman impaling a couple.

That bit with Barry and Bruce was pretty funny. Nice to see they're starting to realize it's okay to have a little humor in a superhero flick.

We then next see a mash-mash of scenes, set to a cover of the Beatles' "Come Together": Arthur doing something with water, Mera appearing (She's probably just a cameo), Lois Lane cameo, Barry visiting dad in jail, Victor Stone playing football in slow motion, Linkara getting his YouTube account back, and the Batmobile.

There is a nice allusion to the Bat-family with Gordon telling Batman that it's nice to see him working with people again. And Aquaman saying he digs that Batman dresses like a Bat. Yeah, he's totally going to be the fun guy.

Honestly, I am...rather mixed when it comes to my thoughts about this movie. Much like the Avengers, the Justice League is one of my favorite superteams, and I really want this film to be good. However, the DCEU's track record has filled me with worry. Man of Steel has gotten mixed reviews, Batman v Superman was a critical disaster, and Suicide Squad got mixed reviews. What I'm worried about is that this film will end up an action-filled overly-packed mess. I do want to be optimistic, and I do hope this and Wonder Woman are at least enjoyable. These heroes deserve that.

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