Thursday, March 2, 2017

Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Trailer

Shovel Knight is back! Well, sort of. The game's latest expansion, Specter of Torment, is coming to the Switch. I love Shovel Knight, and I was very happy to see the game get an expansion. And here's the trailer for it!

First of all, I love the music they use in this trailer! It's the right mix of spooky and bombastic. Did Jake Kaufman make this?

From what I understand, Specter of Torment will be an expansion that focuses on Specter Knight, one of the members of the Order of No Quarter, the villains of Shovel Knight. The expansion is essentially a prequel to Shovel Knight, explaining how Specter Knight helped recruit knights to form the Order of No Quarter, and the game even promises to reveal how Specter Knight died and was resurrected by the Enchantress.

I like this idea. I really like that this expansion is...well...for lack of a better word, expanding upon the mythos and world of Shovel Knight. I also like that we get to learn more about one of the members of the Order of No Quarter. I know there was a previous expansion focused on Plague Knight called Plague of Shadows that was set concurrent to the main Shovel Knight game, which does make me wonder. Will we get more expansions focusing on the other members of the Order?

A part of me hopes so, as I would love to learn more about the other members' pasts and origins, but at the same time, I can imagine that would be a rather tall order for Yacht Club Games, as there are eight members of the Order.

We get to see some gameplay, and I do like the look of it. Specter Knight looks cool in motion. The color palette and the general look of the game have taken on a more...well, spooky vibe. It's been a while since I played Shovel Knight, so I can't quite remember Shovel Knight's play style, but I imagine Specter Knight can do some stuff Shovel can't. I did see him cling to walls, so that's cool.

The blue bird puking a rainbow platform made me raise an eyebrow.

We do get a brief glimpse of the game being in black-and-white. I think those are supposed to be flashbacks. I thought that having them in black-and-white was really neat. It gives off this feeling of the classic Universal Monster movies. You'd almost expect Specter Knight to meet Dracula or the Wolfman.

I hope this comes to the 3DS. This sounds just as much fun as the original Shovel Knight. I want to grab my 3DS and play it again now...and get that Plague of Shadows expansion...

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