Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Contra: Rogue Corps Trailer, My Thoughts

Last month, I gave my thoughts on the trailer for the Contra Anniversary Collection for the Nintendo Switch. I was not impressed with it, as it basically consisted of tons of ports of the same couple of games. However, Konami had some more news on the Contra front. At E3 2019, it was announced that a new Contra game was coming: Contra Rogue Corps. Let's take a look at the E3 trailer!

Yeah, I doubt Damned City was the official name.

So, what made the population go mad? Virus? Dogs and cats living together? Mass Hysteria?

Kaiser, eh? He seems like a level-headed reasonable fellow. After all, only the sanest people are called "Hardcase"...right?

Cybernetically-enhanced gun-toting panda? Awesome.

...How does Miss Harakiri eat? Is the alien her digestive system now? It was said they merged together. Also, nice reference to Contra III.

I like the gentleman bug. Hilarity can be had with him.

Wow. Kaiser just ripped a helicopter blade off a helicopter and threw it. Awesome!

I get the feeling this game will have four-player co-op. Hope it has a single-player campaign. Ain't a Contra game without one.

I do hope these characters get to have cool finishing moves they can do on enemies for bonus points or something like that.

I've heard some people complain online that the graphics look like something from a much older generation of games, but I say this. I doubt this is the final appearance of the game. They'll likely be polishing it up until just about it's released near September's end.

I knew it! Local wireless coop and online multiplayer. Makes sense this game would have those. Is this the first Contra game to have online multiplayer?

Well, I admit, I want to play a demo of this game. It looks like just what the doctor ordered for some fun run-and-gun action. It's not the classic 2D style, but I say after all these years, the series is allowed to experiment a bit. The characters look pretty neat, and I hope they are given interesting characterizations and backstory.

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