Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Daemon X Machina Trailer, My Thoughts

In a world like our own, it underwent a catastrophic event. It basically got a faceful of moon. And then all the artificial intelligences on the planet went bananas. Basically, take the death of the dinosaurs, mix in Skynet, and then put that on steroids. So, how did humanity respond to that? They created the Outers, mecha pilots who gained special powers in the same event that made the AIs go bonkers.

This is the world of Daemon X Machina, a game developed by Japanese company Marvelous, Inc. It's produced by Kenichiro Tsukuda, who also produced the Armored Core series. The game's been out for a while (since September 13), but I've been meaning to look at the trailer for this. Better late than never, I guess. Here's my look at the trailer for Daemon X Machina!

Not quite the superhero landing, pal.

Oh, that enemy robot is awesome. A bit slow, though. But then again, I can imagine it has a ton of armor. No need to be quick when you can take a beating.


I've heard you can customize your mech. I hope it has a deep customization system. I want to be able to paint my mech in sleek black with neon colors. Go all 80s anime on it.

If Skynet created kaijus, they would likely look like this. They would make something to counter Godzilla. You know, why have we not had a Terminator/Godzilla crossover? Godzilla's met the Marvel heroes, and the Terminator's met RoboCopSuperman, and even the Xenomorphs from Alien and the Yautja from Predator. It's not like crossovers would be new to them.

What was that, some kind of Death Train?!

Holy cow, this looks so cool!

I like the red mech. I would so pilot that red mech.

Small sword, BIG slice!

I like the soundtrack, too! And I also just realized that the Daemon in the title is a computing reference. Clever.

Well, this game looks like it will be a ton of fun! I think the demo is out, so I'll give it a shot! Fighting giant robots in a customizable mech? That sounds like my idea of a good time!

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