Monday, October 21, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer, My Thoughts

Back in April, I gave my thoughts on the teaser for what would become the ninth main entry in the Star Wars series. The film would become known as The Rise of Skywalker. Well, the final trailer has come out, so let's take a look!

Ah, the jungle. Peaceful, quiet...and can be hot and sweaty.


Nice cut there.

Yes, Finn. Those pancake stacks are really that big.

Is Rey aware "Run Through the Jungle" is just a song.

Wow, the Resistance recovered quick. But yeah, I can imagine the First Order has really ticked off a lot of people, so they would have no problem finding recruits.

Hey, Rose Tico! Glad to see she's recovered from the injuries she got in The Last Jedi.

Looks like Rey is on some defensive barrier on the sea. A very angry sea.

"Rey, I'm cold, I'm wet, and there are space wolves after me! Let me inside!"

Ooh, big space glacier.

Wow. That's some throne. Can't be that comfortable if it was made of rocks.

Was that Palpatine's voice? I heard his laugh in the last teaser. Will we be seeing him in some form in this movie?

Wait, was that Star Destroyer in the ground?! Those things can burrow?!

That's a lot of ships.

"Hey guys! Ready for some ADVENTURE?!"

Hey, a lightsaber fight at sea. Kudos to this trilogy for giving us a variety of backdrops for lightsaber fights.

That's not a boat, dude. C-3PO gonna die?

Aww, Leia... Yeah, October 21st was Carrie Fisher's birthday. That's why this trailer was released today.

I love this version of the Star Wars theme. It's so grand, operatic, and triumphant.

Space horseback riding!

That is going to be one incredible space battle.

"The Force will be with you. Always." I love that Luke and Leia say it together. The Force will be with them.

I am insanely hyped. This looks awesome! I can't wait to see this movie! I loved the last two, and this one looks to be great as well! I know this saga is going to end with a bang!

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