Friday, April 12, 2019

Star Wars Episode IX Teaser, My Thoughts

The Star Wars sequel trilogy is rolling on! At the Star Wars Celebration, we got the teaser for the newest Star Wars film, the one that brings the Sequel Trilogy to the end. Let's take a look!

Hi, Rey! How ya been?

Take a deep breath, Rey. You're gonna need it.

I think she's been reading those Jedi texts she made off with The Last Jedi.

Makes sense it'd be her fight now. She's pretty much the last Jedi right now. Get it?

Run, Rey, ruuuuuuun! That TIE Interceptor is hot on your tail! I've heard this scene was compared to the famous scene of Gregory Peck running from the biplane in the 1959 film North by Northwest. That makes sense. Star Wars was an homage to old scifi serials, so I can


I see Kylo Ren has taken up pro wrestling. How long until NXT signs him?

Looks like he fixed his helmet.

Hey, Finn and Poe! How you doing? I like that Finn's got Rey's staff. And hopefully Poe has actually learned something since his screw-ups in TLJ. I'll bet Rose is still recovering from the injuries she took at the end of TLJ.

Aww, BB-8 made a friend. Good for him.

HYPERSPEEEEEEEEED! They may have to go to...Ludicrous Speed.

Hey, Billy Dee Williams is back as Lando! Awesome!

Podracing's become some serious business by the Sequel Trilogy.

That medal could have been Han or Luke's.

Oh yeah, this is Carrie Fisher's last movie appearance. That's sad.

In Luke's case, that's literal. Force Ghosts, anyone?

I thought that was a mountain at first, but that's no mountain. It's a space station. That's wreckage from the Death Star. Imagine what Rey could scavenge from that thing!

...that's Palpatine. That's Palpatine's laugh. Could his Force Ghost be haunting the Death Star wreckage. Would make sense as Vader killed him there. Also, the old Legends EU established he made clones of himself. There could be a clone there.

The Rise of Skywalker, huh? Well, I think that may have something to do with Kylo Ren. All the people are theorizing that it may mean Rey is a member of that family, but remember, there is already a Skywalker in this Trilogy: Kylo Ren. You know, Ben Solo? Leia's son? Luke's nephew? He's a Skywalker. I think it means the former Ben Solo will get the focus of this film. Maybe he's still got a bit of a mental conflict going on.

But there is also another theory going around. That "Skywalker"...becomes essentially a mantle. That Jedi will call themselves "Skywalkers". That would actually be interesting to see. I am also hoping that like The Last Jedi deconstructed Star Wars, we see Rise of Skywalker reconstruct it.

Either way, I am incredibly hyped for this movie! I can't wait for it! I have really enjoyed the new Star Wars trilogy so far! Bring this movie on!

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