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"The Long Sticks Part Two"
Writer: Roger Salick
Penciler: Mike Harris
Inker: James Palmiotti
Colorist: Ed Lazerllari
Letterer: Jade Moede
Editor: Don Daley
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
The story begins with the guard unlocking the cage to take a closer look at the hanging Frank Castle. However, he is in for a nasty surprise. Turns out ol' Frankie...isn't quite dead. He springs back to life, wraps his legs around the guard's head, and snaps his neck.
Oh my God, Frank is an Immortal. Cue the Queen! Naw, he just did a bit of trickery. Thankfully, the guard was not too bright, or he would have seen the length of cloth at Frank's back. The future vigilante tied a length of cloth between his belt and the noose, which presumably helped prevent Frank from choking to death. With the guard now a corpse, Frank grabs his rifle. Not like the guard needs it anymore. The rifle also has a fixed bayonet on it, which is handy as Frank can use that as a silent weapon.
He uses the bayonet to take out another guard. He then uses the rifle's sling as an improvised garrote wire to take out a third guard. The soldier then discovers his own sniper rifle...which he described as a Winchester. That's funny because in the last issue, Frank used a M-2 Browning as a sniper rifle. Oopsie. He also finds explosives...which will come in handy. He makes off with his gear and Morris's spotting scope. He then spots a can of paint...which inspires another wicked idea.
Frank wires the explosives to blow...and he drags out one of the bodies of the guards he killed. Frank Castle then gives the cave system his own idea of renovation.
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Castle Renovations. Renovation with a bang. |
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"Dear Monkey, You Smell. Sincerely, Frank Castle." |
The Monkey and his remaining two men flee into the smoke of the smoldering crater that was their home base. They use the smoke cloud as cover to get out into the jungle. One of the Monkey's men spots a white skull painted on a tree.
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"That skull's teeth are uneven, and missing a lower jaw. Castle needs more practice!" |
The Monkey is disgusted and gives the soldier some Boot to the Head. He tells him this is just Castle playing mind games, using the Viet Cong's own tricks against them. Castle is a man. And he can be killed. Castle is watching the nervous soldier walking out onto a field. He's out in the open, where he can easily be sniped. The Viet Cong man knows that on this field of grass, he is merely a pawn. A pawn in a bigger game between two snipers. A game that result in death for the loser.
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"These two should NEVER be allowed to play Laser Tag ever again!" |
The story ends with Frank Castle deciding to leave The Monkey's corpse for the Viet Cong to find. As a bit of a message: Don't Mess with the Marines.
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"Why this is cloud forming a skull? Hope that's not some weird omen..." |
This comic was really good. In fact, I really enjoy this story in general. As I said in my review of the last issue, I really liked seeing a bit of Frank Castle's life before he would become known for wearing a skull on his chest and shooting gangsters. This story shows Frank's skills as a sniper. My favorite scene in the comic was the face-off with Castle and the Monkey. There was a nice symmetry to the panel layout and angles of it. I also liked Frank setting the traps for the Viet Cong ad using improvisation to deal with the guards. It shows that he has a brain, that he's not just some dumb musclehead who is also a good shot. The art has a bit of a gritty vibe, which fits the story, in my opinion.
If you want to read this one for yourself, like the last issue, it can be found in the 2018 trade paperback The Punisher Invades The 'Nam. It collects all of his appearances in the title, as well as a couple follow-up issues from the Punisher's own books at the time. Thanks for reading this review! If you enjoyed it, spread it around! And if you want to give this blog some additional support, please drop a tip in my Digital Tip Jar! It would be greatly appreciated! See you next time, where we take a look a toy tie-in comic...
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